Monday, March 21, 2011

Boost Your Law of Attraction Results!

by: Beverly Boston

Most successful people that have six figure businesses are very constructive with their time. They make a commitment to learn about and effectively implement the Law of Attraction. They are more efficient than their competitors, get paid more, and move up faster in their businesses due to their determination to learn to master the Law of Attraction. They are highly respected by everyone around them because they are role models. They become the best in their business and so can you!

Every single one of these strategies for managing your time and increasing your Law of Attraction results is achievable through practice. Each of these proven techniques will eventually become a habit of both thinking and a way of being. When you begin applying these techniques to your business, your confidence, self-worth and sense of respect will go up. The pay off for you is that it will boost your Law of Attraction results dramatically.

Every positive change in your business begins with making a decision that you are going to either do something or stop doing something. Significant change starts when you decide to either get in or get out of whatever it is that you are doing. Just imagine it as either having both feet in what you are doing or both feet out. Some of the biggest results using the Law of Attraction are when we give ourselves permission to succeed.

Take back your personal power and enjoy high levels of self-confidence! By becoming more committed to learning about and effectively implementing the Law of Attraction, your business could quickly grow to six figures and beyond, and everyone would be asking you what you did or changed to receive such incredible results.

In my Law of Attraction coaching programs the biggest boost that people get is when they "decide" to have what they want in their business. Being decisive is one of the most important qualities of business people. Decisiveness is developed through doing something over and over again until it becomes natural to you.

Business people who make less than a six figure income have not yet decided to be rich. Boost your Law of Attraction results today by deciding that you are going to become a Law of Attraction expert by managing how much time you spend on improving yourself and your knowledge no matter how long it takes or how much you invest in it. Decide right now that you are going to practice these new sets of beliefs and strategies, until they become second nature.

Here are two steps you can take right now.

Hold yourself accountable. If that is hard for you to do, get an accountability buddy or coach. You want the accountability buddy or coach to hold you accountable to your goals and dreams. Choose someone that is already where you want to be in the area that you are focusing on.

If you want a six figure business, get a buddy or coach that has already created that level of business so you can shorten your learning curve. Decide to start earlier, work smarter, and stay later. Become an expert on the Law of Attraction so it becomes easier and easier to manifest your dreams and desires. Create a list of what you don't want and then a list of what you do want in your business. Give your attention, energy and focus to what you want. Be specific and decisive and know exactly how you want things to be so that you are clear in your intentions.

Become an expert in manifesting and attracting ideal clients, situations and opportunities to boost your Law of Attraction results. Learn and practice time Law of Attraction techniques every day until they become a way of life. Deciding that you will have a successful business is the first step and the most important step in the process.

About The Author
Copyright © 2009. Beverly Boston, Eve-olutionAtLast, All rights reserved. If you like this article and want to find out more about how Beverly Boston works with Solo-preneurs who are very good at what they do…but struggle with thinking bigger, playing bigger, and making more money and don't know why. For more info on how Beverly can help you have a six figure business & beyond and improve your Law of Attraction results visit:
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