Monday, November 3, 2008

It's Easier To Give Up: Take The High Road And Stick With It

By Theo McLanahan

Everyone has the odd bad day when they feel like they are stuck and not progressing. Sometimes it seems like the best thing to do is to give up. Although this might make you feel better for a short period of time, it can also leave you feeling guilty and stressed.

Taking the road less traveled and sticking with your business plan can seem very hard to do, but in the end, you will feel much better. If you find yourself struggling with a business goal, a life coach may be able to assist you. Our business life is directly tied with our personal life; when one area is out of order, it can shut the whole system down.

If you are feeling stress in your personal life, your business life will definitely suffer. Stress can make you feel overwhelmed, fatigued, and on edge. A life coach can suggest some stress management techniques.

Anxiety affects everyone differently. You will find though that you can't be as productive when you are always worried about something. Extreme anxiety should be cared for by a doctor. If your problems are not as major, a life coach may be able to help you break the cycle. He or she can help you determine the cause of your anxiety and help you manage it with different strategies.

Many people lack the ability to focus. If your work is piling up, it is easy to feel like you lack control, and feel overwhelmed. A life coach can help you analyze which tasks are crucial and what is a waste of time. They can give you focus and develop strategies, goals and plans to take action to accomplish the important tasks.

Be sure to also take care of yourself, as it relates to how you feel. A life coach can also direct you towards healthier eating choices and towards making time in your routine for exercise.

Every new year, many people make the commitment to themselves to get organized. Life coaches can help you set these goals and take action with them- so you will find yourself knowing where that important phone number is, and finding time in your week to buy groceries.

With finding balance with your personal life, you will find your business life (which is linked) falling into place too.

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