Learn How To Apply The Most Powerful Universal Law To Create Your Ideal Life
Monday, December 31, 2007
Controlling Your Thoughts By Monitoring Your Feelings
It has been said time and time again, and yet it's worth repeating. Your emotions are the key to learning to control your thoughts. When you take note of your feelings and then act to enhance or alter the way you feel, you are taking control of your thoughts and your life.
The purpose of learning the Law of Attraction is to begin changing your thought processes from primarily negative thinking to primarily positive thinking. When your thinking is mostly positive, then the experiences in your life will be mostly positive as well. When you learn to curb all negative thinking, you will be in control of your reality.
Begin becoming aware of your emotions by take a journal with you for a day or two. Make note at 30 minute intervals of your primary feelings. Are you angry? Tired? Stressed? Happy? Excited? Cheerful? Exhausted? Delirious? Write them all down. This exercise alone is powerful enough that if you want, you can just throw your notes away at the end of the day and tomorrow you will automatically begin noting your feelings at regular intervals.
When feeling down (angry, sad, unhappy, stressed), find some keys to turn your mood around. Find several different pieces of music so that you have options. Find memories, thoughts, or people you love to think about. Remember times in your life that you really enjoyed yourself. Find anything you can pull together to create a list of triggers, whether a mental list or a physical list.
Now, when you catch yourself feeling bad again, pick the trigger you think can lift you out of and use it. You don't have to think only positive thoughts to create your perfect reality – just mostly positive thoughts. Never beat yourself up for thinking negatively, just change your focus to the positive. Positive thoughts are far stronger than negative ones anyway!
By monitoring your emotions, which is easy, you will get an insight into your thoughts. By checking yourself when you are feeling bad, and changing your energy back into a positive mode, you will stop creating negative things and events. Meanwhile, you will begin to experience more and more positive events in your life. This will quickly snowball until you are manifesting your desires and living without all of the stress.
All you need to do is make a commitment to work hard at it for a short period of time. Your mind will catch on quickly, and before long you will be able to completely overhaul your mental processes so that you live in at least a mentally positive reality. Once that happens, your physical reality will change to match. All you must do is start the momentum.
Good luck!
Dick Ingersoll is sharing what he has learned from his studies in metaphysics, philosophy and spirituality at: Applying the Law of Attraction you can download Dick's latest eBook "Master Your Life Using the Law of Attraction" at: http://www.applying-the-law-of-attraction.com/MYL_NC.html
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
When The Law Of Attraction Just Won’t Work
Okay, so you’ve read all the books. Bought all the products. Tried hypnosis CD’s, meditation, visualization, and affirmations. Yet, your desires are not manifesting! More than likely this is due to some old emotional blockages that need clearing, so fear not! Once your emotional blocks are removed, you will have full access to your creative potential.
Throughout all parts of life, we are faced with stress, difficulties, sadness in ourselves, sadness in others, anger, death, and occasionally worse things than this. In some cases, especially in childhood, we don’t know how to process our emotions when something bad happens. Instead of dealing with our problems, we end up allowing them to become absorbed into our energy body, where they very often become emotional blockages.
When powerful emotional blockages are in place, you get cut off. You can not open to the world around you, and the magic and love of the universe has great difficulty getting in to you. This stunts intuition, the astral body, thought processes, brain power, will power, and most importantly to us, the ability to attract into our lives the things we desire. These blockages must be removed so that you can reclaim your power as the creator of your reality.
So how do you know if you have emotional blockages? If you’re a living, breathing human being, more than likely you have some. But don’t worry! There are ways to cure this. You may try a healer or hypnotherapist. You may turn to meditation to reveal and cleanse these blocks. You may get a regular therapist to slowly help you work through them. You may also try EFT, which is a powerful healing technique that takes only a minute or two and can often heal anything encountered.
The important thing is that you find a way to release your energy, so that it is available to you again. If you are just not having any luck with the Law of Attraction, you are probably stuck behind a blockage. Cleanse yourself in any way possible. Laughter is cleansing, music is cleansing, having fun with friends is cleansing. Dwelling on negative things in your present or past is absolutely not cleansing. There are a million books and websites on the subject of clearing emotional blockages. My purpose is not to lay out how, but rather to lay out what your problem most likely stems from so that you can fix it!
Find a way to heal your emotional body and your full powers as a creator will be bestowed back upon you. Happy cleansing!
Dick Ingersoll is sharing what he has learned from his studies in metaphysics, philosophy and spirituality at: Applying the Law of Attraction you can download Dick's latest eBook "Master Your Life Using the Law of Attraction" at: http://www.applying-the-law-of-attraction.com/MYL_NC.html
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Stopping Thought with the Third Eye Exercise
You may be wondering why you're the only person who seems to have trouble meditating. Everyone seems to get along just fine, stopping their minds, relaxing, going into a blissful state of trance. But whenever you try to meditate, your mind races even faster than usual. I have just the technique for you!
This technique utilizes a major charka known as the Third Eye charka. The Third Eye is located in the center of your forehead, between your eyebrows. You may have an easier time focusing between your eyes or even up on your forehead - go with whatever works for you. Now when you place your body awareness on this spot, you will feel a tingling sensation. Don't worry if you don't feel that yet - you will in time. If you do, great. If not, you might try gently placing the tip of your finger in that spot and focusing on the feeling of your finger on your skin.
Once your focus, whether mental body focus or actual finger-touch focus, is on your third eye, concentrate on that feeling. If you have the tingling, become aware of it and allow it to amplify. Breathe deeply, slowly, and rhythmically. If you breathe deeply while focusing on your third eye, an amazing thing happens. Your mind stops cold!
No wild thoughts, no self-conversations, and no remembering, stressing, or worrying can occur in this state. The longer you hold it, the more all of your stress and mental ramblings will vanish. At first they will leave an impression, but they are gone. Practice sitting in this state for about five minutes each day for three or four days. After that, entering into the third-eye focus state will become easy. Later it will become second nature.
When you have control of this state and can summon it instantly whenever you want, begin focusing on your desire. Start by focusing on the third eye, then simultaneously begin thinking about or speaking aloud the desire you wish to manifest. Your attention will be undivided, as you will be using the singular focus power of the third eye meditation, and your desire will get 100% of your energy. This is a powerful trick for working with the Law of Attraction and visualization techniques.
And before long, you will notice that you can return to this state without even needing to focus on the area of your third eye. You will be able to stop your mind whenever you wish, because you will have become accustomed to the mental silence inherent in the third eye meditation. Then you can meditate in any way that you wish, without any worry of getting sucked into your normal mental ramblings. A quiet mind is a powerful mind, so go get started and begin planning for the manifestation of your desires!
Dick Ingersoll is sharing what he has learned from his studies in metaphysics, philosophy and spirituality at: Applying the Law of Attraction. Download Dick's latest eBook "Master Your Life Using the Law of Attraction" at: http://www.applying-the-law-of-attraction.com/MYL_NC.html
Monday, December 17, 2007
Attracting Your Target Income
There is a certain amount of income that would allow each of us to do the things we want and live the lifestyle we want. Of course, that amount is different for all of us. For some, a minimal lifestyle may be satisfying. For others, it may take mansions and expensive cars. Whatever it is you truly desire in your life, if you can identify your target income, you can attract it. Let's talk about how.
First, begin a list. Get a pen and paper, and begin listing the things you would like to be doing regularly. Sleeping in, golfing, cruising around the world, moving to another country… any habit, hobby, or travel you want. Try to identify a basic cost per month or per year for each item in your list. At the end, tally up all of the items and add an additional 10% on top. We'll call this your target yearly or monthly (depending on how you broke it down) income.
Now you know how much money you need to have coming in. So the next step is to begin to attract an income, or streams of income that will bring you to that level. Meditate on this. Clear your mind and allow your thoughts to relax. When you catch yourself thinking about your day, just gently let go of the thought. Eventually, your mind will begin to take on a more creative mode. Set your intent before hand to come up with an idea to bring you more money. As you sit, allow your thoughts to drift in and out, and just watch them. Note what you are thinking about, and then release. Once your mind has finished its usual ramblings, it will begin to present creative thoughts to you. These are where you can begin to pick the diamonds you can use to begin making more money.
You may have an idea for a product to create, or a book to write, or a second part time job you wouldn't mind taking. You may realize you know something others don't and can consult, or write an e-book about it. Allow several different creative ideas to flow through you before getting up and writing them down.
Next comes the part many of us struggle with – action! You need to begin working on your ideas. Even if it's only an hour every day or two, you need to put some time into creating the product or doing the extra work you need to in order to start bringing in a second income. Once you have reached your goal and are earning more money, repeat this exercise. See if you can find a way to bring in a third income. And a fourth. Sometimes it will be necessary to start up some turnkey operations – things you can set in motion and then automate. Other times, your mind may present the million dollar idea right away.
Never allow yourself to procrastinate or be lazy when it comes to your creative business ideas. Act immediately and work as hard as possible. These ideas came to you as a direct result of the intention you put into the universe. They will allow you to pull in more money. If you follow each of them, you will find that you reach a point where your target monthly/yearly income is now your real monthly/yearly income. Now you are living the life you desired!
Dick Ingersoll is sharing what he has learned from his studies in metaphysics, philosophy and spirituality at: Applying the Law of Attraction You can download Dick's latest eBook "Master Your Life Using the Law of Attraction" at: http://www.applying-the-law-of-attraction.com/MYL
Friday, December 14, 2007
The True Power of Prayer
Prayer is a staple of many religions. People speak to God or to higher powers or forces and ask for assistance. Prayer in this form still works, as many people will attest. But prayer in its purest form is nothing more than a focused visualization, utilizing the Law of Attraction to bring about healing, assistance, guidance, or to affirm gratitude. Let's look at the ways in which we can use prayer to manifest our desires.
When looking at prayer specifically for the purpose of manifesting, we are discussing a focused form of thought infused with emotion. When do most people pray? When there is turmoil, fear, or other bad emotions that they want relief from. People also pray when they become so enthralled with the idea of having something that they pray excitedly to receive their desire. In both cases, we are seeing hyper-concentrated thought-emotions being focused directly on the desire, which is already emotionally charged. A person praying in this fashion becomes a very powerful magnet indeed, and will generally succeed in attracting their desire.
Try engaging in such prayer, regardless of your religion or lack thereof, whenever you find yourself worried, stressed, angry, sad, or in a state of deep desire over something. By stopping and literally focusing your mind, you put a magnetic pole up to the universe, and begin pulling your desire for freedom from the stress, worry, or the acquisition of your desire. The difference between the normal thought processes and what I am calling prayer here is a powerful intent. Use your will, and rather than praying to a deity, you may simply state, "I intend that this occur" or "I will receive that". The more emotional energy behind the statement, the more powerful it will be.
Every thought you have is like a prayer to the universe, so let me specify the form of prayer I'm talking about as hyper-focused thought. If you follow this prayer up with additional visualization work, you will have even greater success. The more energy you put into the desire, the faster and greater will be your success.
Group prayer is a powerful force. When multiple people bring the power of their thoughts and emotions together, the Law of Attraction can truly shine. With many people working together to attract the same thing, a tremendous boost of energy goes into the thoughtform, and the universe hears this loud and clear. Manifestations with a group can happen very quickly indeed. The only difficult part is ensuring that everyone in the group is truly working as a united whole, and that no negative thinking is being added to the pool, which can diminish some of the group's power.
So try to form a group of like-minded people. Pray for world peace. Pray for new cars. Pray for whatever you like! Take advantage of group prayer and make a difference in your realities. The effort may be daunting but the payoff will be huge. Good luck!
Dick Ingersoll is sharing what he has learned from his studies in metaphysics, philosophy and spirituality at: Applying the Law of Attraction You can download Dick's latest eBook "Master Your Life Using the Law of Attraction" at: http://www.applying-the-law-of-attraction.com/MYL
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Attracting a Soul Mate
There is a lot of buzz around the Law of Attraction. Many of you are looking for ways to attract money into your lives. But just as passionate are those of you looking to attract love. You can certainly attract a soul mate using the Law of Attraction. Let’s discuss how to do so.
First and foremost, let’s discuss the primary parts of the Law of Attraction. First, we visualize our desire as though we are there, it has manifested, and we are ecstatic. Then, we leave the universe alone to do the work. Finally, we accept the desire as it is actually manifested into our lives. The important thing to remember is that we don’t visualize “HOW” our desire will be manifested, we simply visualize that it IS. Leaving the “HOW” to the universe is very important. When overlooked, our manifesting seems to work sluggishly if at all.
So when looking at attracting a soul mate, if you have a certain person in mind, you need to let go of their image when visualizing. Instead, imagine the warmth of a loving relationship. Do not imagine particulars. Try to create an imaginary face for your person, or don’t visualize a face at all. Just imagine the feeling of having the partner you desire. This way, the universe can work freely to bring you the very best possible love available. As much as it may hurt to hear, it just might not be the person you are focused on. If you focus your visualizations exclusively on that person, and things are simply not going to work that way, you will waste a lot of energy and come out disappointed. Your internal insecurities and fears will work against your practice, and you will have little luck. Detachment from a particular person will work far more easily, even if it does in fact bring you the very person you are hoping for.
For those of you without any prospects at the moment, things will flow even smoother. The universe will bring your love to you – just be patient. Until then, do not pine for love, and do not indulge in depression, whining, or feeling sad. These things only work towards manifesting more lack of love, and that is counterproductive. Focus on the image of being in love, and then let it go and enjoy being single. You won’t be single for much longer.
Mostly, remember that proper use of the Law of Attraction brings about good feelings. If you imagine a warm healthy love, you will feel wonderful. If you have difficulty doing this, rent some romantic movies – romance, romantic comedies, whatever your taste. Find movies that make you feel good inside, and where the protagonists have the type of loving relationship you are looking for. The more you saturate your mind with images, thoughts and feelings of being in love, the faster things will happen for you. Movies, books, and love songs are all excellent ways to saturate your consciousness with the idea.
Finally, when your love arrives, be sure to properly appreciate them. Check yourself every month or two and make sure you are not taking them for granted. Remember how lucky you are to have found love, and bask in the warmth of a truly loving relationship. Best of luck!
Dick Ingersoll is sharing what he has learned from his studies in metaphysics, philosophy and spirituality at: Applying the Law of Attraction You can download Dick's latest eBook "Master Your Life Using the Law of Attraction" at: http://www.applying-the-law-of-attraction.com/MYL
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Feeling Things Out
We all have a built in mechanism for detecting when something or someone around us is ultimately good or bad for the life we desire. Most of us ignore this system, or are unaware of it, or even utilize it without realizing it. This system is our intuition, and it is fully functional in all of us. We just need to take a moment to reconnect to it.
Of course, intuitional abilities may greatly decline with the introduction of emotional blockages in our energy bodies. The more closed off from the world we are, the less able we will be to access this ability. You need to keep your energy open, so that you can truly feel what I’m explaining to you.
When in the presence of a new person or circumstance, stop for a moment and notice your feelings. Are you anxious? Nervous? Relaxed? Calm? Afraid? Your emotional energy is a great clue as to the nature of your surroundings. This is what we often refer to as our “gut”, or gut instinct. It’s also described as “vibes”, as in “So and so gave off some creepy vibes.” These feelings are more often than not excellent assessors of our current situation, and you can use them as a cue to move forward or retreat as necessary. In cases where we have patterned thinking that causes emotions, we may actually be creating them ourselves. This is why it is important to be truly open, in order to sense the energy of any person or situation. Otherwise, it may just be a mental concoction.
If you want to develop this ability further, you should first begin working on meditation. As you learn to move into light trance states, and then slightly deeper, emotional blockages and unhealthy mental patterns will begin to make themselves known. It is far easier to identify and eliminate or heal such patterns and blockages when in meditation. In many cases, knowing the blockage or pattern exists may be enough in and of itself to do away with it.
You may need to work with a hypnotherapist if there are deeply scarring issues in your emotional body. Traumatic or otherwise hurtful events in your past may be crippling a part of your energy field in the present. Having a healer or hypnotherapist assist in removing such blocks is an excellent first step towards regaining your full power. You can also buy healing and hypnosis CD’s to listen to each night as you go to sleep. Over time submersion into these types of material will allow your subconscious to begin the healing process, which may take a day, a week, or a year or more, but will eventually resolve in a healthy, happy energy body.
The more open you are, and the stronger and clearer your energy field, the more easily you will be able to detect and intuit all of the nuances of a given situation. You will know a bad person by the vibe you get immediately, and you will catch liars in their tracks. When things are going wrong, or if you are at the wrong place at the wrong time, you will get a feeling for that well in advance, and can change your plans to coincide with better events.
Take control of your inherent abilities to intuit. Your life will be smoother and happier for it!
Dick Ingersoll is sharing what he has learned from his studies in metaphysics, philosophy and spirituality at: Applying the Law of Attraction You can download Dick's latest eBook "Master Your Life Using the Law of Attraction" at: http://www.applying-the-law-of-attraction.com/MYL
Sunday, December 2, 2007
Integrating the Law of Attraction into Your Busy Schedule
Are you too busy to sit down and visualize for very long? Do you find that you can't seem to get the focus necessary to really put in a good Law of Attraction practice session? You may be surprised to know that you can easily integrate your practices into your hectic schedule. Allow me to explain.
Yes, it's easier to manifest something if you sit down and truly place minutes of focused, concentrated thought and emotion on your desire. But you can achieve similar results by simply working for very short periods, many times each day. In this way, you will still put energy into your desire and your subconscious will become saturated with your desire as well, which will definitely help you to manifest it.
Rather than attempt to make time to sit and focus, you may instead decide to begin integrating short moments of visualization throughout your day. When you're driving and things are monotonous, or you're at a long red light or in slow rush hour traffic, imagine your desire as fulfilled. Feel what you will feel when your desire has become manifest.
When you're in a dull meeting and your mind is drifting, allow it to drift to a fantasy of your desire being fulfilled. When you go to take a smoke break, imagine for a moment the feelings of manifesting your goals. When you're walking from one place to another alone, take a moment to consider your desires.
Do you exercise? A run around a track is a good time to imagine your fulfilled desire. Do you bathe? The tub is another fantastic place, with the added benefit of built-in relaxation. Are you starting to get the picture?
You can easily, without straining yourself, begin integrating the Law of Attraction into even the most hectic schedule imaginable. Saturating your thoughts and daily life with visions of your desire will have the same effect as one or two long visualization sessions. Be vigilant, and your desires will be manifested!
If you have trouble remembering, there are several things you can try. Around your home, place sticky notes. Put them on the bathroom mirror, the wall near your bed, the wall over your television (commercials can be visualization opportunities), and basically anywhere else you will see them. Call your work phone at night and leave yourself a message for the morning. If you use Outlook at work for your email, set up recurring reminders, either daily or hourly.
Do your best to integrate your practices into every aspect of your life. A hectic schedule actually allows opportunities that once-a-day visualization may not offer. It's up to you to make it truly a way of life. Only then will your dreams begin popping into existence all around you.
Dick Ingersoll is sharing what he has learned from his studies in metaphysics, philosophy and spirituality at: Applying-the-Law-of-Attraction. You can download Dick's latest eBook "Master Your Life Using the Law of Attraction" at: http://www.applying-the-law-of-attraction.com/MYL
Thursday, November 29, 2007
"If you build it, they will come." Field of Dreams
Instead of observing a problem that you want changed, imagine the situation or condition as you want it to be. The concept is simple and, fortunately, so is the method. Anyone can do it, anywhere, at any time, and for any duration - with incredible results. Visualization is one of the most powerful methods existing for effecting the changes you desire.
In a very real way your fantasies are your realities - good ones and bad ones, for better and worse. What you imagine is what will be. If you build it, they will come. Fortunately, it's never too late to imagine something new, even if you're presently embroiled in circumstances previously imagined.
The process of visualization is simple, and it doesn't require any esoteric knowledge or complicated accoutrements. If you can find a quiet place to do it, all the better; if you can't don't worry about it. Do it on the bus, if you want. If you can arrange to be uninterrupted while you do it, great; if not, it isn't a problem. You can do it with your eyes closed or open. You can do it sitting, standing, laying down, or out jogging.
All you do is create a visual picture of what you want (NOT what you don't want). Create a visual picture of the condition, circumstance, or situation as you desire it to be (NOT how it currently, undesirably, is). For best results, once you have a clear mental picture of the ideal you're creating, be sure to place yourself in the image (if you're not already). Interact with the elements of this ideal reality you're visualization into existence.
And that brings us to a trick for boosting the impact of your efforts: Visualization is made exponentially more effective when coupled with positive emotions. That is to say, once you've begun visualizing the way you want something to be - whether it's your physical condition or your life situations - next allow yourself to start feeling the emotions associated with these desired states.
Feel what it's like to have what you want as though you already had it now - perfect health, that relationship you've always wanted, that new car or Tahitian holiday, that better job, the return of something lost or missing, the resolution of a squabble - whatever it is, feel the emotions you know you'll have when that possibility, whatever it is, becomes your reality.
The visualization is the way to make your request for a particular reality to unfold; the positive emotions you feel about that reality are the way you get yourself in alignment with it occurring for you, the way you allow what you've visualized into your present reality.
It's a three-step process:
1.Visualize your desire, and be sure to include yourself in it;
2.Feel how it feels to have that desired reality here and now;
3.Repeat as desired.
2.Feel how it feels to have that desired reality here and now;
3.Repeat as desired.
Esther and Jerry Hicks, co-authors of "Ask and It Is Given", and facilitators of the "Art of Allowing" workshop affirm that if you can focus on a single visual image for 17 seconds straight, you've effectively put your request out into the Universe - like giving your lunch order to the waitress at the diner. They further affirm that all it takes is 68 seconds of uninterrupted focus on your desire to get yourself into vibrational alignment with allowing it to happen.
Dick Ingersoll is sharing what he has learned from his studies in metaphysics, philosophy and spirituality at: Applying the Law of Attraction. You can download Dick's latest eBook "Three Powerful, Dirty Little Secrets for Manifestation with the Law of Attraction" at: http://www.applying-the-law-of-attraction.com/3DLS
Monday, November 26, 2007
Using Vibration to Manifest Your Ideal Life
The entire physical world is nothing but a sea of vibrating particles. We talk about "good vibes" and "bad vibes", but what does that really mean? How can we use the knowledge of vibration to create the reality we desire?
Happiness, love, joy, and compassion are emotions with high vibrations. You feel "up-lifted", or "high", when you feel these things. Lower vibrations include sadness, depression, anger or hatred. These make you feel "low", or feel "down". There are clues in the language we use every day.
What we miss, however, is the power of these vibrations. Our physical reality itself is nothing but wave upon wave of vibrations, all of which exist in the same space but are separated by their frequency. Our human energy system, consisting of our body, mind and emotions, is basically a radio tuner. We can tune into higher vibrations, or we can tune into lower ones. Most of us tune in somewhere in the middle. However, all of physical reality around you will reflect only the vibrational bracket that you are tuning in.
This means that by attuning ourselves to lower vibrations, we in fact exist in a reality where things are bad, and bad things happen to us or around us all the time. Likewise, by attuning ourselves to higher vibrations, we actually experience a different flow of events, where things go well and things are fun and peaceful.
The Law of Attraction states that like attracts like. This is true, but in many instances the events that you will experience aren't just attracted to you because they are similar. In fact, you can not experience the better event because you are tuning in to a lower reality. This is why long-term negative thinking can be so dangerous. When you create a negative reality, it is very difficult to begin the process of positive thinking and feelings that can elevate you into higher-vibrational experiences.
Like attracts like actually means that you will experience the types of things on the level of vibration that most closely matches your own. What you must do is increase your vibrational frequency little by little and step up the ladder. In one day there may be three different possible events that could occur to you. The one that will occur for you will be the one attuned most closely to your energy. So if you happened to be in a good mood that day, you don't hit that nail. But if you're in a crappy mood, you blow your tire.
What we want to do is to become aware of this and make it work in our favor. Attempt to curtail negative feelings as quickly as you can, and think of as many positive things as possible. Remember funny things that happen. Think about people you care about. Imagine your ideal future. All of these things bring your energy back into a good state. Music is another powerful elevator - great music can put you back into a good mood in the worst of days.
Focus on keeping your vibrations high, and notice that as you do so, things go smoother. Better things happen to you, and bad things will simply not happen. It's really amazing what the power of vibration can do once you are aware of it! Keep your vibrations high and your life experiences will be the best possible. By making this a long-term habit, you absolutely can not fail to manifest your ideal life. Best of luck!
Dick Ingersoll is sharing what he has learned from his studies in metaphysics, philosophy and spirituality at: Applying the Law of Attraction. You can download Dick's latest ebook "Three Powerful, Dirty Little Secrets for Manifestation with the Law of Attraction" at: http://www.applying-the-law-of-attraction.com/3DLS
Friday, November 23, 2007
Using Focus to Manifest Your Desires
You can manifest your desires using your thoughts and emotions, right? But how do get the Law of Attraction to work faster? How do you ensure that your desire manifests at all? The answer to all of these questions is focus!
When you focus on something, you are basically placing the flashlight of your consciousness on that thought. The power of focus is no different than the power of light. When you shine a flashlight into a dark room, the light penetrates and shows the item or items it is focused on. Likewise, when you focus on a desire or intent, you are cutting through the illusion of physical reality in such a way as to give power to the object of your focus. The result is that the object of your focus manifests in your physical reality.
Here in the early 2000's, we are all becoming a little bit ADD. Television commercials, among other advertising media are, for the most part, geared precisely towards the amount of time scientifically proven to be the average amount of time a person can focus on one thing. You may notice that many commercials are fairly short!
Likewise, others have done a study on what people actually see when looking at the results page of a search engine. People see the first two to three results, then less and less of each following result, in the shape of a triangle, until the results at the bottom of the page are only pulling one or two letter's worth of focus.
In general, we have very short attention spans and very poor focus skills. As a result, we carry that problem into our thoughts, meditations, and visualizations, and don't put enough focus into things to bring their manifestation about. Learning to meditate and become still is a wonderful booster for focus. Likewise, you can practice focusing on an item, and object, or a mental image and catch yourself when you begin to lose attention. These practices are frustrating the first few times, but very quickly you will gain great mastery over your ability to focus.
When you can focus on something for an extended period of time, you are ready to manifest with speed! The more focus a desire gets, the more energy it receives, and the faster and more accurately it will manifest. Of course, repetition can bring about similar results, but longer, more focused visualization will help you to manifest more consistently and more quickly.
Practice focusing on something like a candle flame until you are able to remain focused for about five minutes. A five minute Law of Attraction visualization is very powerful, and probably more than you have been putting into it in the past. Turn that focus toward your visualizations, and see how much this improves your ability to manifest!
Dick Ingersoll is sharing what he has learned from his studies in metaphysics, philosophy and spirituality at: Applying the Law of Attraction. You can download Dick's latest ebook "Three Powerful, Dirty Little Secrets for Manifestation with the Law of Attraction" at: http://www.applying-the-law-of-attraction.com/3DLS
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Getting Rich with the Law of Attraction
Everyone wants to use the Law of Attraction to attract abundance into their lives. However, many focus on money as the highest priority. It can be very frustrating when the money doesn't manifest. However, there is a way to correct this problem. It's all a matter of the angle you are taking.
I would argue that for 99% of you, money is not what you want. You can argue all you like, but let me show you. Do you want money? Do you want to have the freedom to travel? To buy whatever you want? To have that new car, that new house, or that new computer? Do you want to take vacations every other month? To buy those expensive meals that really whet your appetite?
If you answered yes to any but the first question, then you are contradicting yourself. Money is not a free lifestyle. Money is not an expensive dinner. Money is not a car, nor is money a house. Money is paper. Money is a means. Yet, when practicing visualization, money is one of the most commonly desired objects. And yet, most people fail to manifest money. It's because money is not your desire!
When visualizing, you need to focus on what you really want! Focus on that house. Focus on that car. Money is not your concern – money is the universe's problem. Visualize your vacation or your travel. Visualize your expensive dinner. Do not visualize money – that is too difficult to work up emotional energy over.
But to work up energy over that hot, sleek new computer, or that shiny new convertible, or that beautiful new house? Much, much easier. Always simplify your goals by tracing them down to their roots. Money is not a root goal – the objects and time that you are hoping to obtain by having that money is. Let the money be the part that is up to the universe. Then you don't have to worry about it – in the process of manifesting your expensive tastes, the money will just fall into your lap.
By changing your angle and focusing on the root desires, you will always drum up far more excitement and energy, which is what truly charges your desires and sends that intent to the universe. When focusing on money, you are focusing on a midway point, and one that universally is experienced as something very difficult to come by. We are building our own barriers to success!
By making this simple change, you will find you have far more success utilizing the Law of Attraction. Good luck!
Dick Ingersoll is sharing what he has learned from his studies in metaphysics, philosophy and spirituality at: Applying the Law of Attraction. You can download Dick's latest ebook "Three Powerful, Dirty Little Secrets for Manifestation with the Law of Attraction" at: http://www.applying-the-law-of-attraction.com/3DLS
Saturday, November 17, 2007
How to Visualize With Ease
For the Law of Attraction as well as many other things, we need to visualize. But what exactly is visualization? Is it hard? Do you have to actually see what you are visualizing?
If you are asking any of these questions, you are in for a surprising treat. Everyone can visualize perfectly, and you do all the time! The problem is in the misconception about the word visualization. Visualizing does not necessarily mean that you really see what you are visualizing. Visualizing is no different from daydreaming. The difference is that you are directing your visualization with intent, whereas a daydream is more loosely focused.
Another problem is that some people actually can see what they are visualizing, as though it were real. This is a function of a well-developed third eye charka, but is certainly not required to visualize! Visualizing is easy and natural, and I will show you how to become aware of your own ability to visualize and then improve this skill.
A good way to start practicing is to imagine something that you do every day, such as taking a shower, brushing your hair, or putting on your shoes. Close your eyes (or keep them open - some people visualize better one way or the other), and fully imagine that you are doing this activity. If you are taking a shower, imagine reaching out and turning on the faucets. Imagine stepping into the shower and feeling the stream of water on your back. Imagine soaping your body, and then rinsing the soap off. Imagine shampooing your hair. Imagine it all in as detailed a fashion as you can. Because these are activities you perform every day, you may be surprised at how vividly you can imagine them. The more you practice, the better you get.
Another tactic is to do something, then sit down and imagine you are doing it again. Stand up. Take a walk through your house. Stop to touch things, examine, smell things, and taste things. Open your refrigerator door and feel the cool air. Then return to your seat. Close your eyes and imagine you are doing it again, remembering the feeling, look, smell and taste of everything. Recall the way the cool air felt on your skin when you opened the refrigerator. Imagine your activity all the way back to the point where you sat back down in your seat.
It will not take much practice before you notice your imagining (aka visualization) senses are improving. A little practice every week will amount to a huge difference in your skills. More importantly, now that you realize visualization is the easiest thing in the world, and something you can easily do. Now begin your visualization exercises you've been dreading for so long, and see what fun they are!
Dick Ingersoll is sharing what he has learned from his studies in metaphysics, philosophy and spirituality at: Applying the Law of Attraction. You can download Dick's latest ebook "Three Powerful, Dirty Little Secrets for Manifestation with the Law of Attraction" at: http://www.applying-the-law-of-attraction.com/3DLS
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Magnetizing Your Desires
Do you want to learn more about using the Law of Attraction to magnetize your desires? There is nothing more rewarding than watching your desires begin to manifest around you in your daily life. Beginning a daily magnetizing routine will assist you in bringing your desires into being more consistently.
First, get a sheet of paper and divide it into four quadrants. Label the top left "Big - Urgent", the top right "Big - Soon", the bottom left "Small - Urgent" and the bottom right "Small - Soon". Now you want to begin making a list of all of your most pressing desires, putting them in the right box. "Big" and "Small" refer to the difficulty of the manifestation according to your expectations. So you would probably think of manifesting a new car or a new house as a "Big" item, and manifesting an iPod or a television as a "Small" item.
The "Urgent" column is for things that cause you worry. If you desperately need $500 in three days to pay your electric bill, that would be a "Small" and "Urgent" matter. If you want to manifest a million dollars for a luxurious lifestyle, that would be a "Big", "Soon" matter. Don't put anything in "Urgent" that isn't truly urgent.
When you finish, you will likely find that you have a small number of items in the "Big - Urgent" column and a slightly bigger list in the "Small - Urgent" column. The other two columns probably have quite a number of items listed.
What you need to do is begin working on the urgent items first, and then pick one or two of the non-urgent items to work on as well. There will always be something urgent, but you still need to put in a little effort on the others so that you can bring them into being. When you do your visualization work, put as much energy and emotion into the urgent items as possible, starting with the largest and working down to the smallest. Use the energy left over from those to put into your non-urgent items. That way you get to use some of the raw emotion from your urgent needs to channel into your less urgent (and therefore more difficult to charge with energy) desires.
Keep that list and work on it a little every day. When something is manifested, cross it off of your list. Revise your list about once every month, or even once every two weeks once you become good at attracting your desires. Good luck and happy manifesting!
Dick Ingersoll is sharing what he has learned from his studies in metaphysics, philosophy and spirituality at: Applying the Law of Attraction. You can download Dick's latest ebook "Three Powerful, Dirty Little Secrets for Manifestation with the Law of Attraction" at: http://www.applying-the-law-of-attraction.com/3DLS
Monday, November 12, 2007
Lesson XX - Concentration Reviewed
Those unable to concentrate will generally suffer from poverty and unhappiness; the best instructor will only help you to the extent you put it into practice. Gaining the mastery of your work, life powers and forces. Concentrate the dominant quality that makes men successful. Everyone can learn to concentrate better. An experiment to try. Final instructions.
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Sunday, November 11, 2007
What is Lucid Dreaming?
You may have heard of lucid dreams before, but what are they? Are they just vivid dreams, like nightmares? Or are they something more?
In fact, a lucid dream is as real an event as anything that happens in your daily life. Someone experiencing a lucid dream is in the same state they are in during their daily life, only now they are in the dream world where they can do anything. Naturally, lucid dreaming is loads of fun, as you can do anything that you want.
Lucid dreaming is also wonderful for learning to conquer phobias, or even to stop nightmares. Once you become a regular lucid dreamer, nightmares will nearly always cause to you become lucid, as nightmares naturally tend to become more vivid. This is a good way to stop nightmares - once you become lucid, you can completely change the dream into a good one. Or you can face your fears head-on in a lucid dream. Get comfortable with snakes, or heights, or anything you can imagine, in an environment where nothing can possibly ever hurt you. How cool is that?
Lucid dreaming is accomplished by learning to become aware that you are dreaming. There are many different ways to do this, and I won't go into them here. Some techniques have you learn to recognize signs of dreaming (common dream elements, etc). Some have you train yourself to become accustomed to checking whether or not you are dreaming so that the habit carries into the dream. There are even devices you can buy to help you become lucid during dreams, although most of them take some time to get used to, and are not very comfortable.
However, the learning is well worth the effort, as nothing is as exhilarating as flying through the sky, dipping and looping, or going anywhere you want to go in a blink. There are many uses for lucid dreaming outside of simple novelty. They can be used with the Law of Attraction to assist in manifesting things in your daily life. They can be used, as previously mentioned, to assist in working through phobias or trauma. And they can be used for fun, stress-relief, or for experiencing things you can never do in the "real world". You can have tea with a fairy in a castle floating in the clouds. Or ride with Santa on his sleigh. Anything you can imagine can be done.
Check out more about lucid dreaming. There are numerous benefits to learning to do so, and your life will become a richer experience for it. When your periods of sleep become as active and exciting as your waking life, you will thank me.
Dick Ingersoll is sharing what he has learned from his studies in metaphysics, philosophy and spirituality at: Applying the Law of Attraction. You can download Dick's latest ebook "Three Powerful, Dirty Little Secrets for Manifestation with the Law of Attraction" at: http://www.applying-the-law-of-attraction.com/3DLS
In fact, a lucid dream is as real an event as anything that happens in your daily life. Someone experiencing a lucid dream is in the same state they are in during their daily life, only now they are in the dream world where they can do anything. Naturally, lucid dreaming is loads of fun, as you can do anything that you want.
Lucid dreaming is also wonderful for learning to conquer phobias, or even to stop nightmares. Once you become a regular lucid dreamer, nightmares will nearly always cause to you become lucid, as nightmares naturally tend to become more vivid. This is a good way to stop nightmares - once you become lucid, you can completely change the dream into a good one. Or you can face your fears head-on in a lucid dream. Get comfortable with snakes, or heights, or anything you can imagine, in an environment where nothing can possibly ever hurt you. How cool is that?
Lucid dreaming is accomplished by learning to become aware that you are dreaming. There are many different ways to do this, and I won't go into them here. Some techniques have you learn to recognize signs of dreaming (common dream elements, etc). Some have you train yourself to become accustomed to checking whether or not you are dreaming so that the habit carries into the dream. There are even devices you can buy to help you become lucid during dreams, although most of them take some time to get used to, and are not very comfortable.
However, the learning is well worth the effort, as nothing is as exhilarating as flying through the sky, dipping and looping, or going anywhere you want to go in a blink. There are many uses for lucid dreaming outside of simple novelty. They can be used with the Law of Attraction to assist in manifesting things in your daily life. They can be used, as previously mentioned, to assist in working through phobias or trauma. And they can be used for fun, stress-relief, or for experiencing things you can never do in the "real world". You can have tea with a fairy in a castle floating in the clouds. Or ride with Santa on his sleigh. Anything you can imagine can be done.
Check out more about lucid dreaming. There are numerous benefits to learning to do so, and your life will become a richer experience for it. When your periods of sleep become as active and exciting as your waking life, you will thank me.
Dick Ingersoll is sharing what he has learned from his studies in metaphysics, philosophy and spirituality at: Applying the Law of Attraction. You can download Dick's latest ebook "Three Powerful, Dirty Little Secrets for Manifestation with the Law of Attraction" at: http://www.applying-the-law-of-attraction.com/3DLS
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Is The Law of Attraction a Hoax?
Even after learning about the Law of Attraction, it can be difficult to see it in action. When attempting to use it, many fail at first to visibly attract what they want. It's not surprising then to see the Law of Attraction denounced as a hoax. The reality, however, is that things are far more complicated, and yet far simpler than they appear on the surface.
In order to begin using the Law of Attraction, you must be able to suspend your disbelief. This means that if you are pretty sure the Law of Attraction is bogus, you won't get anything out of it. However, if you can suspend your disbelief and try it out with a "what if…maybe?" attitude, you will find things starting to fall into place.
It may take stepping back and really looking at your life from a different vantage point to become aware of how you are unconsciously using the Law of Attraction already. Often you can do this simply by remembering the story of your life. You were here, doing this, and then you were there, doing that. How did you get from here to there? What was the connection?
If you have a spouse, think of how you met them. In many cases, meeting your spouse may have happened in a very odd, unlikely manner. And yet you did, and now you are together. Think about the little ducks that had to line up in order for that to happen. How did that come about?
It still may be difficult to see the Law of Attraction at work in your life. However, seeing how you are using it unconsciously can be the biggest block remover to learning to use it consciously. Begin keeping a journal of the primary things you are thinking about, worrying about, wanting, and doing. Keep this journal for a few weeks, or even months. Now look back and notice the times that you were wanting something which you later acquired. Or find the times when you wanted to know something that you found out later. Also find the things you were worrying about and notice just how few of them amounted to anything.
What you will begin to notice is a pattern in the way that your desires, worries, or thoughts manifest organically in your life. By keeping a journal you can get an overview from outside the picture. Once you begin to notice that you are in fact already using the Law of Attraction, and that it is definitely working for you, you will be better able to begin using it consciously. Plus, your journal will give you some ideas on how best you are able to manifest things. Regardless of whether you manifested things you wanted or didn't want in the past, you can use those tactics to manifest your desires now!
It will become obvious to you that the Law of Attraction is real, and that you really can create the life you desire. Best wishes!
Dick Ingersoll is sharing what he has learned from his studies in metaphysics, philosophy and spirituality at: Applying the Law of Attraction. You can download Dick's latest ebook "Three Powerful, Dirty Little Secrets for Manifestation with the Law of Attraction" at: http://www.applying-the-law-of-attraction.com/3DLS
In order to begin using the Law of Attraction, you must be able to suspend your disbelief. This means that if you are pretty sure the Law of Attraction is bogus, you won't get anything out of it. However, if you can suspend your disbelief and try it out with a "what if…maybe?" attitude, you will find things starting to fall into place.
It may take stepping back and really looking at your life from a different vantage point to become aware of how you are unconsciously using the Law of Attraction already. Often you can do this simply by remembering the story of your life. You were here, doing this, and then you were there, doing that. How did you get from here to there? What was the connection?
If you have a spouse, think of how you met them. In many cases, meeting your spouse may have happened in a very odd, unlikely manner. And yet you did, and now you are together. Think about the little ducks that had to line up in order for that to happen. How did that come about?
It still may be difficult to see the Law of Attraction at work in your life. However, seeing how you are using it unconsciously can be the biggest block remover to learning to use it consciously. Begin keeping a journal of the primary things you are thinking about, worrying about, wanting, and doing. Keep this journal for a few weeks, or even months. Now look back and notice the times that you were wanting something which you later acquired. Or find the times when you wanted to know something that you found out later. Also find the things you were worrying about and notice just how few of them amounted to anything.
What you will begin to notice is a pattern in the way that your desires, worries, or thoughts manifest organically in your life. By keeping a journal you can get an overview from outside the picture. Once you begin to notice that you are in fact already using the Law of Attraction, and that it is definitely working for you, you will be better able to begin using it consciously. Plus, your journal will give you some ideas on how best you are able to manifest things. Regardless of whether you manifested things you wanted or didn't want in the past, you can use those tactics to manifest your desires now!
It will become obvious to you that the Law of Attraction is real, and that you really can create the life you desire. Best wishes!
Dick Ingersoll is sharing what he has learned from his studies in metaphysics, philosophy and spirituality at: Applying the Law of Attraction. You can download Dick's latest ebook "Three Powerful, Dirty Little Secrets for Manifestation with the Law of Attraction" at: http://www.applying-the-law-of-attraction.com/3DLS
Monday, November 5, 2007
Subconscious Resistance and the Law of Attraction
The subconscious mind stores everything we've ever experienced, filters what we now experience based upon our beliefs/thoughts, and in a lot of ways works to censor our reality. In some ways this is good. We don't need to be aware of every little thing that comes into our field of view, or every little conversation going on in the background. However, it is all collected by our subconscious. Our subconscious mind can determine how successful we are with the Law of Attraction. Let's take a look at how that works and how we can make it work in our favor.
If our subconscious wasn't doing what it was doing, we would be prone to a lot of difficulty in keeping a steady, stable grip on reality. Every little bit of information that comes our way would begin influencing how we see the world, and in a lot of cases that could be terrifying. So our subconscious mind only accepts as a fact of reality those things which it is bombarded with over a period of time. Many neuroscientists believe that this period of time can be averaged, and have chosen 21 days as the most common period of time needed to affect a permanent change in the subconscious. In some cases it may be more, and in some it may be less, but 21 days is a good average.
In general, our subconscious flushes things away within three days. New programming? New beliefs? Flushed away, through our dreams at night. Many people have reported going in for hypnosis to curb a habit such as smoking, over-eating, etc. These people claim that they did fine for the first couple of days, but then reverted to their habit. Most likely, the subconscious flushed this new programming while they slept a couple of nights later, and now the new programming is gone. This is why it is important to impress your desires on your subconscious repeatedly until they become part of your reality.
The power of the subconscious is such that once you have impressed something upon it fully, and it is accepted by your subconscious as a fact of reality, that thing will now become a reality in your experience. Thus, by repeating hypnosis every few days over time, you will be able to maintain the new programming. Many new hypnosis programs recommend daily use for at least 21 days. This is also the case with intention work using the Law of Attraction. Spend a little time each day focusing on your desires, so that you continually impress them into your subconscious.
Make a poster of things you want to manifest, and hang it somewhere in your home. Whenever you see it, whether your take note or not, your subconscious will receive that information and it will be reinforced. By hanging little notes and representational pictures around, you can begin attracting them into your life because of the power the subconscious has to make real that which it accepts as real.
Learn more about how the subconscious mind works so that you can learn how to make it work for you rather than against you. There is no greater ally in learning to use the Law of Attraction, and you definitely need the subconscious playing for your team. Best of luck, and happy manifesting!
Dick Ingersoll is sharing what he has learned from his studies in metaphysics, philosophy and spirituality at: http://Applying-the-Law-of-Attraction.com. You can download Dick's latest eBook "Three Powerful, Dirty Little Secrets for Manifestation with the Law of Attraction" at: http://www.applying-the-law-of-attraction.com/3DLS
If our subconscious wasn't doing what it was doing, we would be prone to a lot of difficulty in keeping a steady, stable grip on reality. Every little bit of information that comes our way would begin influencing how we see the world, and in a lot of cases that could be terrifying. So our subconscious mind only accepts as a fact of reality those things which it is bombarded with over a period of time. Many neuroscientists believe that this period of time can be averaged, and have chosen 21 days as the most common period of time needed to affect a permanent change in the subconscious. In some cases it may be more, and in some it may be less, but 21 days is a good average.
In general, our subconscious flushes things away within three days. New programming? New beliefs? Flushed away, through our dreams at night. Many people have reported going in for hypnosis to curb a habit such as smoking, over-eating, etc. These people claim that they did fine for the first couple of days, but then reverted to their habit. Most likely, the subconscious flushed this new programming while they slept a couple of nights later, and now the new programming is gone. This is why it is important to impress your desires on your subconscious repeatedly until they become part of your reality.
The power of the subconscious is such that once you have impressed something upon it fully, and it is accepted by your subconscious as a fact of reality, that thing will now become a reality in your experience. Thus, by repeating hypnosis every few days over time, you will be able to maintain the new programming. Many new hypnosis programs recommend daily use for at least 21 days. This is also the case with intention work using the Law of Attraction. Spend a little time each day focusing on your desires, so that you continually impress them into your subconscious.
Make a poster of things you want to manifest, and hang it somewhere in your home. Whenever you see it, whether your take note or not, your subconscious will receive that information and it will be reinforced. By hanging little notes and representational pictures around, you can begin attracting them into your life because of the power the subconscious has to make real that which it accepts as real.
Learn more about how the subconscious mind works so that you can learn how to make it work for you rather than against you. There is no greater ally in learning to use the Law of Attraction, and you definitely need the subconscious playing for your team. Best of luck, and happy manifesting!
Dick Ingersoll is sharing what he has learned from his studies in metaphysics, philosophy and spirituality at: http://Applying-the-Law-of-Attraction.com. You can download Dick's latest eBook "Three Powerful, Dirty Little Secrets for Manifestation with the Law of Attraction" at: http://www.applying-the-law-of-attraction.com/3DLS
Lesson XIX - A Concentrated Will Development
A Concentrated Will Development. A most effective and practical method of developing the Will. Practical exercises. Will training without exercises. Will-power can overcome big obstacles. The Will to win. Man an unknown quality until his powers are developed. Ability plentiful, but organizing, initiative and creative power not so plentiful. The driving force within.
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Friday, November 2, 2007
Making the Law of Attraction Work
It's an easy task to learn about the Law of Attraction. It's an easy task to speculate about the Law of Attraction. But how many of you are actually making the Law of Attraction work for you right now? The answer may surprise you - 100% of you! However, you don't realize it because you're creating unconsciously. Or, as The Secret said, you're "creating by default".
There are three target areas that we need to look out for when concerning ourselves with taking our manifesting out of "default" mode and putting it into deliberate creation mode. Those three target areas are our thoughts, our feelings, and our words.
The most difficult of these three to control is our thoughts. In a lot of ways, it is impossible, as the brain can be likened to a radio antenna. Thoughts may be our own or may be coming from somewhere else. Therefore we can't be responsible for our thoughts all the time, but we most certainly can be responsible for what thoughts we choose to dwell on, enlarge, worry over, or daydream about.
Our feelings are easier to control than our thoughts, because our feelings mostly come about as a result of the thoughts we dwell upon. If we want to change our current feelings, there are a number of ways to go about it. We can daydream about something positive, pet our favorite cat, listen to music that makes us happy, or talk to a friend who always cheers us up. If we have a long-term negative feeling, such as long-term depression, then changing the thoughts that we tend to focus on will allow us to change our emotional problem. This takes time but is well worth the effort.
Finally, our words are both the easiest and also most difficult thing to learn to control. There are many reasons for this, but let's begin with why words are the easiest. A decision must be made before a thought is spoken aloud. This gives us time to think, re-think, and change our minds before speaking. Thoughts arise of their own accord, and often emotions follow suit. Words must always come of actual effort, although you may have become accustomed to rambling at all times. The reason words can be the most difficult thing to change is that our habits of speaking, or gossip, or just talking in general are deeply ingrained in our daily routines. Our social life is already established, and we interact with others in a certain way that has become our "personality" so far as these people are concerned. Changing what we say can in turn cause us to appear to change our personalities, which can make for some friction in our social circles. However, if the good is weighed against the bad, learning to become more conscious and selective with the words we choose to speak contains far more potential for great things to happen in our lives; continuing as we are holds practically no potential for improvement. It's worth it.
So start by noticing the thoughts that you dwell on. Steer away from negative-patterned thought (steering away from all negative thought is impossible, and not necessarily desirable). Learn to keep your emotions positive by keeping your primary patterns of thought positive. And take note of the words you speak, because the things you say impact your experience far more than you know.
Dick Ingersoll is sharing what he has learned from his studies in metaphysics, philosophy and spirituality at: http://Applying-the-Law-of-Attraction.com. You can download Dick's latest eBook "Three Powerful, Dirty Little Secrets for Manifestation with the Law of Attraction" at: http://www.applying-the-law-of-attraction.com/3DLS
There are three target areas that we need to look out for when concerning ourselves with taking our manifesting out of "default" mode and putting it into deliberate creation mode. Those three target areas are our thoughts, our feelings, and our words.
The most difficult of these three to control is our thoughts. In a lot of ways, it is impossible, as the brain can be likened to a radio antenna. Thoughts may be our own or may be coming from somewhere else. Therefore we can't be responsible for our thoughts all the time, but we most certainly can be responsible for what thoughts we choose to dwell on, enlarge, worry over, or daydream about.
Our feelings are easier to control than our thoughts, because our feelings mostly come about as a result of the thoughts we dwell upon. If we want to change our current feelings, there are a number of ways to go about it. We can daydream about something positive, pet our favorite cat, listen to music that makes us happy, or talk to a friend who always cheers us up. If we have a long-term negative feeling, such as long-term depression, then changing the thoughts that we tend to focus on will allow us to change our emotional problem. This takes time but is well worth the effort.
Finally, our words are both the easiest and also most difficult thing to learn to control. There are many reasons for this, but let's begin with why words are the easiest. A decision must be made before a thought is spoken aloud. This gives us time to think, re-think, and change our minds before speaking. Thoughts arise of their own accord, and often emotions follow suit. Words must always come of actual effort, although you may have become accustomed to rambling at all times. The reason words can be the most difficult thing to change is that our habits of speaking, or gossip, or just talking in general are deeply ingrained in our daily routines. Our social life is already established, and we interact with others in a certain way that has become our "personality" so far as these people are concerned. Changing what we say can in turn cause us to appear to change our personalities, which can make for some friction in our social circles. However, if the good is weighed against the bad, learning to become more conscious and selective with the words we choose to speak contains far more potential for great things to happen in our lives; continuing as we are holds practically no potential for improvement. It's worth it.
So start by noticing the thoughts that you dwell on. Steer away from negative-patterned thought (steering away from all negative thought is impossible, and not necessarily desirable). Learn to keep your emotions positive by keeping your primary patterns of thought positive. And take note of the words you speak, because the things you say impact your experience far more than you know.
Dick Ingersoll is sharing what he has learned from his studies in metaphysics, philosophy and spirituality at: http://Applying-the-Law-of-Attraction.com. You can download Dick's latest eBook "Three Powerful, Dirty Little Secrets for Manifestation with the Law of Attraction" at: http://www.applying-the-law-of-attraction.com/3DLS
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Three Benefits of Meditation
Learning to meditate can bring profound change into your life. There are many ways that meditation can benefit you. Physically, mentally, and emotionally, there are reasons to learn meditation. Here are three excellent reasons to get started.
1) Stress Reduction/Peace – Scientists have shown that when meditating, brain activity is shifted from the right frontal cortex, which is prone to stress, to the more peaceful left frontal cortex. Fear, anxiety, stress, and other negative thoughts and emotions have less impact while the mind is focused in this region. We all deal with way too much stress in our daily lives, and having a way to release that stress is very important. How many times have you finished at work, only to carry the stress of your job home to your family and even into your sleep?
2) Physical Benefits – Meditation also gives us more energy, better sleep, and better concentration in our daily lives. By taking the time to tune in, focus, and relax, we bring more higher-quality energy into our bodies and release tensions that we would normally continue to carry with us. Meditation also helps create better immunity to sickness, as the body is less prone to negative lingering stress. Our emotional/mental states can have a powerful effect on our health, and meditation allows us to use that to our advantage.
3) Balance – Meditation helps us to balance our physical, mental and emotional states. This balance allows us to interact with the world around us in a better way that we are used to. Rather than being as reactive as we often are, we become able to maintain our own peace in the midst of high-stress situations, and thus we do not lose our tempers, act irrationally, or wrack our nerves. The more balanced we are, the more power we have over our lives, as we are less likely to react out of habit, rather than thinking a situation through.
It's amazing how learning to meditate can bring so many powerful effects into our daily lives. Learning to let go of all the stress and worries of daily life, learning to tune in and know ourselves better, and the ability to focus and improve our minds; these are the wonders of meditation.
Give meditation a try and see how wonderful it can make you feel!
Dick Ingersoll
Download Dick's latest eBook "Three Powerful, Dirty Little
Secrets for Manifestation with the Law of Attraction" at:
1) Stress Reduction/Peace – Scientists have shown that when meditating, brain activity is shifted from the right frontal cortex, which is prone to stress, to the more peaceful left frontal cortex. Fear, anxiety, stress, and other negative thoughts and emotions have less impact while the mind is focused in this region. We all deal with way too much stress in our daily lives, and having a way to release that stress is very important. How many times have you finished at work, only to carry the stress of your job home to your family and even into your sleep?
2) Physical Benefits – Meditation also gives us more energy, better sleep, and better concentration in our daily lives. By taking the time to tune in, focus, and relax, we bring more higher-quality energy into our bodies and release tensions that we would normally continue to carry with us. Meditation also helps create better immunity to sickness, as the body is less prone to negative lingering stress. Our emotional/mental states can have a powerful effect on our health, and meditation allows us to use that to our advantage.
3) Balance – Meditation helps us to balance our physical, mental and emotional states. This balance allows us to interact with the world around us in a better way that we are used to. Rather than being as reactive as we often are, we become able to maintain our own peace in the midst of high-stress situations, and thus we do not lose our tempers, act irrationally, or wrack our nerves. The more balanced we are, the more power we have over our lives, as we are less likely to react out of habit, rather than thinking a situation through.
It's amazing how learning to meditate can bring so many powerful effects into our daily lives. Learning to let go of all the stress and worries of daily life, learning to tune in and know ourselves better, and the ability to focus and improve our minds; these are the wonders of meditation.
Give meditation a try and see how wonderful it can make you feel!
Dick Ingersoll
Download Dick's latest eBook "Three Powerful, Dirty Little
Secrets for Manifestation with the Law of Attraction" at:
Monday, October 29, 2007
Lesson XVIII - Mental Control through Creation
An inventor's vision. Why it is easy to project your thoughts to another. How your mental powers can draw to you forces of a helpful nature. The big business man must possess mental power of control. How to make a friend or relative succeed. How to generate enthusiasm and the spirit of success. Your environment is either helpful or harmful. Mental starvation. How to instill your thoughts and ideas into others. Influence that must be shaken off before you can advance. Our attitude has more to do with success than you realize.
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read more | digg story
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Lesson XVII - Ideals Developed By Concentration
Ideals Develop By Concentration. Your happiness and success depends upon your ideals. A valuable lesson. Through concentration we can work out our ideals in physical life. What a different world this would be if we would build the right kind of ideals. Every time you change your ideal you think differently. Life is one continuous unfoldment.
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read more | digg story
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Lesson XVI - How Concentration Can Fulfill Your Desire
How Concentration Can Fulfill Your Desire. The desire to do implies the ability to do. Man has within him the power to gratify his every wish. If you have been unable to satisfy your longings, it is time you learn how to use your God-given powers. Priceless knowledge and unlimited possibilities within you that Is foreign to most people. read more | digg story
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
You Own Your Thoughts, Now Control Them
"The one thing you can't take away from me is the way I choose to respond to what you do to me. The last of one's freedoms is to choose ones attitude in any given circumstance."
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read more | digg story
Monday, October 15, 2007
The Power of Concentration - Lesson 15
"The Power of Concentration" was written under the pseudonym Theron Q. Dumont, by a true Master of Mind Power - William Walker Atkinson. In this series of lessons, the reader is taught how to concentrate and unleash their latent power from within and to reach their higher potential.
Lesson 15: Concentrate So You Will Not Forget. Why people forget. An easy way to remember. How to deepen your impression. Exercise in Memory Concentration.
Read Complete Lesson Here:
Lesson 15: Concentrate So You Will Not Forget. Why people forget. An easy way to remember. How to deepen your impression. Exercise in Memory Concentration.
Read Complete Lesson Here:
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Mind Your Self-Talk
While your Inner Critic acts as a pre-recorded tape of pessimism, Self-Talk is the internal dialogue that results.
Along with your Inner Critic, Self-Talk is a constant, running dialogue in your conscious and unconscious mind that can be self-limiting unless you become aware of it and use it to empower you. Negative Self-Talk can come from inside of you—or from the outside world and the given circumstances. We are the results of how we see ourselves—how we communicate with ourselves, and how we have been programmed. Be aware of who and what is programming your brain. Surround yourself with people who validate your beliefs and encourage your ideas, so that they can help you reach your positive outcomes. If we allow others to make our decisions for us, we become voluntary slaves.
Wilder Penfield said, "Every thought you've ever had is stored in your brain and remembered forever!" Fill that storage bin with positive thoughts!
The mind does not make value judgments about the information it is programmed with. When garbage has been programmed into the unconscious, the outcome will be garbage!
Here are some examples.
GI (Misinformation): Actors are fake.
GO (Limited Behavior): You feel uncomfortable about acting
GI (Misinformation): Big men don't cry
GO (Limited Behavior): Men develop stress-related illness
GI (Misinformation): The Jones' are clumsy
GO (Limited Behavior): Bill Jones is accident prone
GI (Misinformation): To be creative you've Got to have "it"
GO (Limited Behavior): Lots of people miss out on developing their creativity because they think they don't have IT
Internal Negative Self-Talk includes statements like:
• "How could I be so dumb?"
• "What's wrong with me?"
• "I'll never be able to act like a professional."
• "I won't get far without a college degree."
What happens if you accept this negative Self-Talk? EVERY statement you make to yourself programs your unconscious mind, and creates a belief system. By accepting negative Self-Talk, you shut down and become ineffective in life. You lose your passion to succeed, excel, compete, and give back to society.
By consciously becoming aware of your Self-Talk, you will rekindle your passion for life, stop playing the victim, and move with confidence toward successful outcomes.
Want to learn more? Check out
Be Bop!
To your Success,
Dick Ingersoll
Along with your Inner Critic, Self-Talk is a constant, running dialogue in your conscious and unconscious mind that can be self-limiting unless you become aware of it and use it to empower you. Negative Self-Talk can come from inside of you—or from the outside world and the given circumstances. We are the results of how we see ourselves—how we communicate with ourselves, and how we have been programmed. Be aware of who and what is programming your brain. Surround yourself with people who validate your beliefs and encourage your ideas, so that they can help you reach your positive outcomes. If we allow others to make our decisions for us, we become voluntary slaves.
Wilder Penfield said, "Every thought you've ever had is stored in your brain and remembered forever!" Fill that storage bin with positive thoughts!
The mind does not make value judgments about the information it is programmed with. When garbage has been programmed into the unconscious, the outcome will be garbage!
Here are some examples.
GI (Misinformation): Actors are fake.
GO (Limited Behavior): You feel uncomfortable about acting
GI (Misinformation): Big men don't cry
GO (Limited Behavior): Men develop stress-related illness
GI (Misinformation): The Jones' are clumsy
GO (Limited Behavior): Bill Jones is accident prone
GI (Misinformation): To be creative you've Got to have "it"
GO (Limited Behavior): Lots of people miss out on developing their creativity because they think they don't have IT
Internal Negative Self-Talk includes statements like:
• "How could I be so dumb?"
• "What's wrong with me?"
• "I'll never be able to act like a professional."
• "I won't get far without a college degree."
What happens if you accept this negative Self-Talk? EVERY statement you make to yourself programs your unconscious mind, and creates a belief system. By accepting negative Self-Talk, you shut down and become ineffective in life. You lose your passion to succeed, excel, compete, and give back to society.
By consciously becoming aware of your Self-Talk, you will rekindle your passion for life, stop playing the victim, and move with confidence toward successful outcomes.
Want to learn more? Check out
Be Bop!
To your Success,
Dick Ingersoll
Monday, October 8, 2007
The Power of Concentration - Lesson 14 (Part 2)
"The Power of Concentration" was written under the pseudonym Theron Q. Dumont, by a true Master of Mind Power - William Walker Atkinson. In this series of lessons, the reader is taught how to concentrate and unleash their latent power from within and to reach their higher potential.
Lesson 14: Art of Concentrating With Practical Exercise. A daily habit will wonderfully increase your concentration. Seeing yourself as you would like to be. Instruction of the greatest importance. The great creative spirit of the universe. Why things manifest as they do. The cosmic intelligence. A most desired state. How to receive messages from the universal mind. How to develop power, unknown to you before. Make your mind a powerful transmitter of thought. The best time to practice concentration exercises. How to rejuvenate every cell of your brain and body. An exercise that will give you a self-poised manner. Instead of a nervous strained appearance. Concentrating on the powers within. Concentration will save your energy. How to keep from getting irritable or nervous. The Eastern way of concentrating. Exercise in controlling desires.
Read Complete Lesson Here:
Lesson 14: Art of Concentrating With Practical Exercise. A daily habit will wonderfully increase your concentration. Seeing yourself as you would like to be. Instruction of the greatest importance. The great creative spirit of the universe. Why things manifest as they do. The cosmic intelligence. A most desired state. How to receive messages from the universal mind. How to develop power, unknown to you before. Make your mind a powerful transmitter of thought. The best time to practice concentration exercises. How to rejuvenate every cell of your brain and body. An exercise that will give you a self-poised manner. Instead of a nervous strained appearance. Concentrating on the powers within. Concentration will save your energy. How to keep from getting irritable or nervous. The Eastern way of concentrating. Exercise in controlling desires.
Read Complete Lesson Here:
Monday, September 24, 2007
The Power of Concentration
Lesson 14 (Part 1)
"The Power of Concentration" was written under the pseudonym Theron Q. Dumont, by a true Master of Mind Power - William Walker Atkinson. In this series of lessons, the reader is taught how to concentrate and unleash their latent power from within and to reach their higher potential.
Lesson 14: Art of Concentrating With Practical Exercise. A daily habit will wonderfully increase your concentration. Seeing yourself as you would like to be. Instruction of the greatest importance. The great creative spirit of the universe. Why things manifest as they do. The cosmic intelligence. A most desired state. How to receive messages from the universal mind. How to develop power, unknown to you before. Make your mind a powerful transmitter of thought. The best time to practice concentration exercises. How to rejuvenate every cell of your brain and body. An exercise that will give you a self-poised manner. Instead of a nervous strained appearance. Concentrating on the powers within. Concentration will save your energy. How to keep from getting irritable or nervous. The Eastern way of concentrating. Exercise in controlling desires.
Read Complete Lesson Here:
Lesson 14: Art of Concentrating With Practical Exercise. A daily habit will wonderfully increase your concentration. Seeing yourself as you would like to be. Instruction of the greatest importance. The great creative spirit of the universe. Why things manifest as they do. The cosmic intelligence. A most desired state. How to receive messages from the universal mind. How to develop power, unknown to you before. Make your mind a powerful transmitter of thought. The best time to practice concentration exercises. How to rejuvenate every cell of your brain and body. An exercise that will give you a self-poised manner. Instead of a nervous strained appearance. Concentrating on the powers within. Concentration will save your energy. How to keep from getting irritable or nervous. The Eastern way of concentrating. Exercise in controlling desires.
Read Complete Lesson Here:
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
The Power of Concentration - Lesson 13
"The Power of Concentration" was written under the pseudonym Theron Q. Dumont, by a true Master of Mind Power - William Walker Atkinson. In this series of lessons, the reader is taught how to concentrate and unleash their latent power from within and to reach their higher potential.
Lesson 13: You Can Concentrate, But Will You? All have the ability to concentrate. More ability not used than is used. Sometimes only a trifle keeps one from becoming a success. The fault is all your own. How to discover the cause if you are not making good. Make conditions favorable and do not expect them to shape themselves. Stumbling blocks but stepping stones. Hard Passages can be bridged if you just concentrate on them. Why more people do not succeed. Don't be afraid of a rebuff. The man that knows no such thing as failure. Be ready for an opportunity when it comes, No circumstances can keep the determined man from succeeding.
Read Complete Lesson Here:
Lesson 13: You Can Concentrate, But Will You? All have the ability to concentrate. More ability not used than is used. Sometimes only a trifle keeps one from becoming a success. The fault is all your own. How to discover the cause if you are not making good. Make conditions favorable and do not expect them to shape themselves. Stumbling blocks but stepping stones. Hard Passages can be bridged if you just concentrate on them. Why more people do not succeed. Don't be afraid of a rebuff. The man that knows no such thing as failure. Be ready for an opportunity when it comes, No circumstances can keep the determined man from succeeding.
Read Complete Lesson Here:
Monday, September 17, 2007
Is There a Way to Improve Concentration and Mental Ability?
With all the stresses of work and the pace of life impacting our mental health today, many of us need to find ways to improve concentration, particularly as we get older. As we increasingly notice that dates, names, numbers or other important information slips our minds our need to improve concentration may become apparent. Unfortunately, we are often left wondering what can be done about it.
Too often we shrug our shoulders and just chalk it up to getting older or not enough sleep. While those things definitely have an impact on our memory and concentration there are other potential factors as well. Things like poor nutrition, lack of exercise and stress all play a part in affecting our mental health. However, the ability to improve concentration is not beyond our reach.
While a lack of concentration may be brought on by many factors, attempting to improve concentration can also take many paths. Exercise and diet changes are a couple of the ways in which some attempt to adjust their mental health. For those with more serious issues in memory function they sometimes choose to go the route of conventional medicine and drug therapy. These methods may well address a lack of concentration, but they are not without their problems. Exercise and diet are great, but as most of us have learned at one time or another it is often difficult to maintain the proper regimen long term. As for drug therapy, they can indeed improve concentration, but usually at the cost of difficult, sometimes painful side-effects. As a result, many people are now turning to natural supplements to help them improve concentration.
Recent studies have shown that using various natural supplements rich in certain ingredients can positively affect mental health and improve concentration. This is good news for those suffering from a lack of concentration. Natural supplements are easy to use, effective and are safer than drugs. Many of the ingredients used in supplements that treat memory and mental health have been in use for quite some time. Ingredients like Ginkgo Biloba, Ginseng, Green Tea and Gotu Kola have well known properties to increase circulation in the brain, heal cellular damage and support memory function.
To enhance the power of such extracts, researchers have found that supplements should also combine vitamins such as the B complex vitamins and minerals such as Zinc, Manganese and Folic Acid. Not only do these necessary vitamins and minerals help general health, but they also can help the body prevent damage by attacking free radicals and stimulating the body's ability to heal itself.
In addition to all these well known ingredients, some newer supplements are also including more complex compounds, 5-hydroxytryptophan, Acetyl L-Carnitine, Phosphatidyl Choline and DMAE for example. These compounds help the body generate neurotransmitters, increase blood flow to the brain and in general help to improve concentration and memory.
Using a natural supplement to address a lack of concentration is a safe and effective method of dealing with a potentially serious problem. The more effective supplements will offer a wide range of extracts, vitamins, minerals and compounds that are maximized to support brain function and health. With the growth of the natural remedies marketplace, finding the right supplement is thankfully much easier today than it was even just a few years ago.
Mike Stevens has been studying the causes of memory loss and cognitive decline for years, and has written many articles on the subject. He is a regular contributor to Memory Enhancement Guide, a site discussing ways to enhance mental ability and prevent memory loss.
Too often we shrug our shoulders and just chalk it up to getting older or not enough sleep. While those things definitely have an impact on our memory and concentration there are other potential factors as well. Things like poor nutrition, lack of exercise and stress all play a part in affecting our mental health. However, the ability to improve concentration is not beyond our reach.
While a lack of concentration may be brought on by many factors, attempting to improve concentration can also take many paths. Exercise and diet changes are a couple of the ways in which some attempt to adjust their mental health. For those with more serious issues in memory function they sometimes choose to go the route of conventional medicine and drug therapy. These methods may well address a lack of concentration, but they are not without their problems. Exercise and diet are great, but as most of us have learned at one time or another it is often difficult to maintain the proper regimen long term. As for drug therapy, they can indeed improve concentration, but usually at the cost of difficult, sometimes painful side-effects. As a result, many people are now turning to natural supplements to help them improve concentration.
Recent studies have shown that using various natural supplements rich in certain ingredients can positively affect mental health and improve concentration. This is good news for those suffering from a lack of concentration. Natural supplements are easy to use, effective and are safer than drugs. Many of the ingredients used in supplements that treat memory and mental health have been in use for quite some time. Ingredients like Ginkgo Biloba, Ginseng, Green Tea and Gotu Kola have well known properties to increase circulation in the brain, heal cellular damage and support memory function.
To enhance the power of such extracts, researchers have found that supplements should also combine vitamins such as the B complex vitamins and minerals such as Zinc, Manganese and Folic Acid. Not only do these necessary vitamins and minerals help general health, but they also can help the body prevent damage by attacking free radicals and stimulating the body's ability to heal itself.
In addition to all these well known ingredients, some newer supplements are also including more complex compounds, 5-hydroxytryptophan, Acetyl L-Carnitine, Phosphatidyl Choline and DMAE for example. These compounds help the body generate neurotransmitters, increase blood flow to the brain and in general help to improve concentration and memory.
Using a natural supplement to address a lack of concentration is a safe and effective method of dealing with a potentially serious problem. The more effective supplements will offer a wide range of extracts, vitamins, minerals and compounds that are maximized to support brain function and health. With the growth of the natural remedies marketplace, finding the right supplement is thankfully much easier today than it was even just a few years ago.
Mike Stevens has been studying the causes of memory loss and cognitive decline for years, and has written many articles on the subject. He is a regular contributor to Memory Enhancement Guide, a site discussing ways to enhance mental ability and prevent memory loss.
Friday, September 14, 2007
Robert Morgens FREE Meditation Course
Every once and a while I come across something I believe my friends and subscribers would benefit from. This meditation course is one of them.
Robert Morgens FREE Meditation Course:
A free, instantly downloadable Introduction to Meditation course with 10 mp3 Guided meditation lessons.
Robert Morgens FREE Meditation Course:
A free, instantly downloadable Introduction to Meditation course with 10 mp3 Guided meditation lessons.
Thursday, September 13, 2007
The Power of Concentration - Lesson 12
"The Power of Concentration" was written under the pseudonym Theron Q. Dumont, by a true Master of Mind Power - William Walker Atkinson. In this series of lessons, the reader is taught how to concentrate and unleash their latent power from within and to reach their higher potential.
Lesson 12: Concentrate On Wealth. No one was intended to be poor. Through wealth we can uplift ourselves and humanity. Uncongenial and unpleasant conditions are not conducive to proper thought. First step toward acquiring wealth. Most men of all ages have been comparatively rich. Wealth not altogether the result of being industrious. No one can become wealthy from his earnings. Why some have to be taught such painful lessons. How many attract poverty instead of riches. Why it is necessary to give a fair exchange for what we receive. How to make your society not only agreeable to others but sought after.
Read Complete Lesson Here:
Lesson 12: Concentrate On Wealth. No one was intended to be poor. Through wealth we can uplift ourselves and humanity. Uncongenial and unpleasant conditions are not conducive to proper thought. First step toward acquiring wealth. Most men of all ages have been comparatively rich. Wealth not altogether the result of being industrious. No one can become wealthy from his earnings. Why some have to be taught such painful lessons. How many attract poverty instead of riches. Why it is necessary to give a fair exchange for what we receive. How to make your society not only agreeable to others but sought after.
Read Complete Lesson Here:
Monday, September 10, 2007
The Power of Concentration - Lesson 11
"The Power of Concentration" was written under the pseudonym Theron Q. Dumont, by a true Master of Mind Power - William Walker Atkinson. In this series of lessons, the reader is taught how to concentrate and unleash their latent power from within and to reach their higher potential.
Lesson 11: Concentrate On Courage. Lack of courage creates financial, as well as mental and moral difficulties. The man without courage attracts all that is contemptible, weakening, demoralizing and destructive. It is just as easy to be courageous as cowardly. Courage concentrates the mental forces on the task at hand. Cowardice dissipates both mental and moral forces. How to banish doubts. No one knows what they can do until they try. Once you understand the law everything is possible. How to build up courage to do as you wish. Difficulties soon melt away before the courageous.
Read Complete Lesson Here:
Lesson 11: Concentrate On Courage. Lack of courage creates financial, as well as mental and moral difficulties. The man without courage attracts all that is contemptible, weakening, demoralizing and destructive. It is just as easy to be courageous as cowardly. Courage concentrates the mental forces on the task at hand. Cowardice dissipates both mental and moral forces. How to banish doubts. No one knows what they can do until they try. Once you understand the law everything is possible. How to build up courage to do as you wish. Difficulties soon melt away before the courageous.
Read Complete Lesson Here:
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
The Power of Concentration - Lesson 10
"The Power of Concentration" was written under the pseudonym Theron Q. Dumont, by a true Master of Mind Power - William Walker Atkinson. In this series of lessons, the reader is taught how to concentrate and unleash their latent power from within and to reach their higher potential.
Lesson 10: Business Results Gained Through Concentration. A successful business not the result of chance. Failure not caused by luck. The intense desire that is necessary to make a business a success. Those that achieve permanent success deserve it. The man that is able to skillfully manage his business. How to realize your ambition. The successful business attitude. Your opinion should be as good as any one else. How many ruin their judgment. The man that gets the best results. A successful business not hard to build up; may be built up In a few years now whereas formerly it took a lifetime. How to do more and better work. How to attract the ideas thought out by others. Many attract forces and Influences that they should not. Broaden the visions of those you come in contact with.
Read Complete Lesson Here:
Lesson 10: Business Results Gained Through Concentration. A successful business not the result of chance. Failure not caused by luck. The intense desire that is necessary to make a business a success. Those that achieve permanent success deserve it. The man that is able to skillfully manage his business. How to realize your ambition. The successful business attitude. Your opinion should be as good as any one else. How many ruin their judgment. The man that gets the best results. A successful business not hard to build up; may be built up In a few years now whereas formerly it took a lifetime. How to do more and better work. How to attract the ideas thought out by others. Many attract forces and Influences that they should not. Broaden the visions of those you come in contact with.
Read Complete Lesson Here:
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
The Power of Concentration - Lesson 9
"The Power of Concentration" was written under the pseudonym Theron Q. Dumont, by a true Master of Mind Power - William Walker Atkinson. In this series of lessons, the reader is taught how to concentrate and unleash their latent power from within and to reach their higher potential.
Lesson 9: Concentration Can Overcome Bad Habits. Habit is but a powerful enemy and wonderful ally of concentration. Most people are controlled through the power of habit. Most people are imitators and copiers of their past selves. All physical impressions are the carrying out of the actions of the will and intellect. How everyone could be made happier and successful. Some wonderful maxims. Habit the deepest law of human nature. How to overcome undesirable habits. Some special instructions by Dr. Oppenheim.
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Lesson 9: Concentration Can Overcome Bad Habits. Habit is but a powerful enemy and wonderful ally of concentration. Most people are controlled through the power of habit. Most people are imitators and copiers of their past selves. All physical impressions are the carrying out of the actions of the will and intellect. How everyone could be made happier and successful. Some wonderful maxims. Habit the deepest law of human nature. How to overcome undesirable habits. Some special instructions by Dr. Oppenheim.
Read Complete Lesson Here:
Friday, August 24, 2007
The Power of Concentration - Lesson 8
"The Power of Concentration" was written under the pseudonym Theron Q. Dumont, by a true Master of Mind Power - William Walker Atkinson. In this series of lessons, the reader is taught how to concentrate and unleash their latent power from within and to reach their higher potential.
Lesson 8: Concentration Gives Mental Poise. The man that can concentrate is well poised. What you must do to be successful today. Concentration that is dangerous. How to make those you come in contact with feel as you do. The man that becomes a power in the world. You can control your life and actions. Successful lives are the concentrated lives. Why people do not get what they "concentrate" on.
Read Complete Lesson Here:
Lesson 8: Concentration Gives Mental Poise. The man that can concentrate is well poised. What you must do to be successful today. Concentration that is dangerous. How to make those you come in contact with feel as you do. The man that becomes a power in the world. You can control your life and actions. Successful lives are the concentrated lives. Why people do not get what they "concentrate" on.
Read Complete Lesson Here:
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
The End of Self Improvement?
I'm guessing you've probably heard of the TV program Big Brother. There's a version in almost every country in the world.
For those of you, who haven't seen this program, let me give you a quick synopsis. Thousands of wannabee celebrities write into this program and are then narrowed down to about 12 unlucky people. They then live in a house, cut off from the outside world with cameras watching their every move, 24/7.
Each week the public vote out one person who is then booed by the mindless crowd waiting outside ...at least that's the way it is in the UK (which leaves a worrying conclusion about the negativity of the masses - see our Positive Vibrations Program below)
However one thing I do find fascinating with the program is the social experiments that Big Brother forces onto the contestants, plus the psychological evaluations that experts give each week.
This year has been particularly interesting in the UK Big Brother house as they have been testing contestant's psychic powers and shared dreams.
We've witnessed twins sending mental pictures to each other's minds with incredible accuracy.
We've seen people who have dreamed about events while they were actually happening in other parts of the house, and we've seen people share the same dreams.
Last Sunday the panel of expert psychologists were talking this phenonema and explained how the contestants minds were joined together at a deeper level...
It seems that more and more experts are now confirming the existence of this interconnectedness of minds. And this joining of minds explains why so many of Jim Francis's mind power programs work so well... how we can connect with and communicate with anyone in the world in subjective communication, how we can influence other people's actions in Remote Influencing and how we can attract love or rekindle romance in Contact.
However there's more to this...
In 'Mindsurge: The Consciousness Revolution' (taken from Jim Francis's Hidden Secrets of Mind Power Technology), Jim says "It now appears that if enough humans have learned something, then it becomes easier for all humans to learn it. Rupert Sheldrake, the famous biologist, calls this shared intelligence the morphogenetic field."
So according to the morphogentic theory above - If enough humans have learned how to discover the full potential of their mind, it will be easier for all humans to learn to be more, do more and have more.
... And that's why I love the morphogenetic field theory - it takes the self out of self improvement. Your efforts at improving your life and your loved ones might possibly have a much wider effect...
Iain Legg is joint owner of Real Mind Power Secrets - the website that uncovers nearly 10 years of privately funded research into highly advanced mind power techniques. Visit http://Applying-the-Law-of-Attraction.com/RealMindPowerSecrets today to get your copy of Mindsurge: The Consciousness Revolution... at NO cost.
For those of you, who haven't seen this program, let me give you a quick synopsis. Thousands of wannabee celebrities write into this program and are then narrowed down to about 12 unlucky people. They then live in a house, cut off from the outside world with cameras watching their every move, 24/7.
Each week the public vote out one person who is then booed by the mindless crowd waiting outside ...at least that's the way it is in the UK (which leaves a worrying conclusion about the negativity of the masses - see our Positive Vibrations Program below)
However one thing I do find fascinating with the program is the social experiments that Big Brother forces onto the contestants, plus the psychological evaluations that experts give each week.
This year has been particularly interesting in the UK Big Brother house as they have been testing contestant's psychic powers and shared dreams.
We've witnessed twins sending mental pictures to each other's minds with incredible accuracy.
We've seen people who have dreamed about events while they were actually happening in other parts of the house, and we've seen people share the same dreams.
Last Sunday the panel of expert psychologists were talking this phenonema and explained how the contestants minds were joined together at a deeper level...
It seems that more and more experts are now confirming the existence of this interconnectedness of minds. And this joining of minds explains why so many of Jim Francis's mind power programs work so well... how we can connect with and communicate with anyone in the world in subjective communication, how we can influence other people's actions in Remote Influencing and how we can attract love or rekindle romance in Contact.
However there's more to this...
In 'Mindsurge: The Consciousness Revolution' (taken from Jim Francis's Hidden Secrets of Mind Power Technology), Jim says "It now appears that if enough humans have learned something, then it becomes easier for all humans to learn it. Rupert Sheldrake, the famous biologist, calls this shared intelligence the morphogenetic field."
So according to the morphogentic theory above - If enough humans have learned how to discover the full potential of their mind, it will be easier for all humans to learn to be more, do more and have more.
... And that's why I love the morphogenetic field theory - it takes the self out of self improvement. Your efforts at improving your life and your loved ones might possibly have a much wider effect...
Iain Legg is joint owner of Real Mind Power Secrets - the website that uncovers nearly 10 years of privately funded research into highly advanced mind power techniques. Visit http://Applying-the-Law-of-Attraction.com/RealMindPowerSecrets today to get your copy of Mindsurge: The Consciousness Revolution... at NO cost.
Monday, August 20, 2007
Wild Experiment in Life Coaching May Never be Repeated...
We have just launched an exciting new Life Coaching experiment.
The idea is to get 100,000 people to start living the lives they
were born to live - immediately! I hope you agree the idea is a
really worthwhile goal.
To do this, we are offering our full program - the program that
has already been responsible for positively affecting so many
people's lives for a fraction of the normal price - for just 1
What would happen if 100,000 people started to live the life of
their dreams starting right now - today? Makes you think doesn't
it? Well that's what this experiment is all about ... and, you
can be one of those people!
The Program Contains our Highly Acclaimed Resources...
* The Deepest Desire of Your Heart
* The 4tm System
* Change Your Mind, Change Your Life
Full details of the experiment can be viewed here...
But remember, the offer ends on Friday 24th August, so don't
delay - get your copy now. You will be very glad you did.
With best wishes,
Dick Ingersoll
Applying the Law of Attraction
The idea is to get 100,000 people to start living the lives they
were born to live - immediately! I hope you agree the idea is a
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But remember, the offer ends on Friday 24th August, so don't
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With best wishes,
Dick Ingersoll
Applying the Law of Attraction
Sunday, August 19, 2007
The Power of Concentration - Lesson 7
"The Power of Concentration" was written under the pseudonym Theron Q. Dumont, by a true Master of Mind Power - William Walker Atkinson. In this series of lessons, the reader is taught how to concentrate and unleash their latent power from within and to reach their higher potential.
Lesson 7: The Concentrated Mental Demand. The attitude of the mind affects the expression of the face. The wonderful power of the concentrated mental demand. How to desire something and exclude all distracting thoughts. The silent force of wonderful power within all of us. How to make plans work out. The mightiest power in the world is free for you to use. The motive power which supplies the energies necessary for achievement.
Read Complete Lesson Here:
Lesson 7: The Concentrated Mental Demand. The attitude of the mind affects the expression of the face. The wonderful power of the concentrated mental demand. How to desire something and exclude all distracting thoughts. The silent force of wonderful power within all of us. How to make plans work out. The mightiest power in the world is free for you to use. The motive power which supplies the energies necessary for achievement.
Read Complete Lesson Here:
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
The Power of Concentration - Lesson 6
"The Power of Concentration" was written under the pseudonym Theron Q. Dumont, by a true Master of Mind Power - William Walker Atkinson. In this series of lessons, the reader is taught how to concentrate and unleash their latent power from within and to reach their higher potential.
Lesson 6: The Training Of The Will To Do. The great secret of any accomplishment. Everything is possible today. The inner energy that controls all conscious acts. How you can become a genius. A mighty force at your disposal. Rules that will make you a "man" among men. The spirit that wins. Concentration develops determination and perseverance. Some special instructions. What will power is. You have as strong a will as anyone. You determine your own fate. The importance of learning to use your will.
Read Complete Lesson Here:
Lesson 6: The Training Of The Will To Do. The great secret of any accomplishment. Everything is possible today. The inner energy that controls all conscious acts. How you can become a genius. A mighty force at your disposal. Rules that will make you a "man" among men. The spirit that wins. Concentration develops determination and perseverance. Some special instructions. What will power is. You have as strong a will as anyone. You determine your own fate. The importance of learning to use your will.
Read Complete Lesson Here:
Thursday, August 9, 2007
Create Your Future The Kahuna Way by Jim Francis
You will discover that the word huna means "hidden secret", and the kahunas were the keepers of occult secrets known only to a privileged few. With huna, you can change the future. There are many possible futures out there for you like vague thoughts floating around unless you direct and empower them.
As a rule, the future develops from what you're doing right now. The way you respond to people, events and surroundings affects your life and your future. If you put out anger, you will get back anger, and if you love, you will be loved. Everything that happens to you is a reflection or an echo of your own inner attitudes and feelings, even if buried deep within your subconscious.
The first step in creating the future is to decide exactly what you want. Choose only one goal and stick with it. Mind power, like any other kind of capacity, expresses intensely only when its energies are focused to a fine point of concentration.
Kerryann, a student of huna, told me, "Whenever I've really focused on a goal it happens ... not always like I planned, but it happens." Accordingly, unify your mind with your goal and feel that you are one with it. By directing your attention to your desired objective, it will come into manifestation much more easily.
Are You Ready To Change Your Future?
Are you ready to make your dreams and wishes come true? If yes, take time now to write down your goal. Because your Low Self is very concrete and literal, writing down your goal will show it that you are doing something real and not just daydreaming.
If not sure what you want, just write down your ideas. At this point you are simply brainstorming. Don't worry about coming up with the perfect wording. Hesitation, worry or being critical will only put your Low Self out of the picture.
Writing your ideas or your goal on paper will help eliminate the things that really don't capture your imagination and will make any vague points more definite. Mull it over for a few days, and it will become very clear to you exactly what you want. By being very sure of your goal, you are less likely to be distracted later on.
Kahuna methods teach that concentrated visualization is an important step toward realization. Form a mental picture of your goal and then repeat it out loud word for word three times, a precise verbal statement of what you are working toward. The stronger and clearer you make your mental image and goal statement, the stronger and clearer will be the results.
Keep both your visualization and goal very focused. Avoid distracting thoughts or images. Hold your mental picture firmly until the manifestation is complete. Visualization and speaking your future goal will act as a physical stimulus to impress your Low Self, which will then send it to the High Self to be brought into reality.
Most people find visualization easy. However, if you need to develop skill in using mental pictures, you can practice with a simple object, such as an apple. Look at the apple and slowly and carefully observe its attributes. Close your eyes and inwardly see the apple. Open your eyes and look at the color. Close your eyes once more and visualize its shade of color in your mind's eye.
Move to visualizing something more complicated, such as a group of objects on a table. Look them over, close your eyes and reconstruct them in your mind. If necessary, open your eyes briefly to check accuracy or to refresh your memory.
This was taken from 'Kahuna - Keepers of the Hidden secret' - part of the fascinating free 7 part ecourse available at:
As a rule, the future develops from what you're doing right now. The way you respond to people, events and surroundings affects your life and your future. If you put out anger, you will get back anger, and if you love, you will be loved. Everything that happens to you is a reflection or an echo of your own inner attitudes and feelings, even if buried deep within your subconscious.
The first step in creating the future is to decide exactly what you want. Choose only one goal and stick with it. Mind power, like any other kind of capacity, expresses intensely only when its energies are focused to a fine point of concentration.
Kerryann, a student of huna, told me, "Whenever I've really focused on a goal it happens ... not always like I planned, but it happens." Accordingly, unify your mind with your goal and feel that you are one with it. By directing your attention to your desired objective, it will come into manifestation much more easily.
Are You Ready To Change Your Future?
Are you ready to make your dreams and wishes come true? If yes, take time now to write down your goal. Because your Low Self is very concrete and literal, writing down your goal will show it that you are doing something real and not just daydreaming.
If not sure what you want, just write down your ideas. At this point you are simply brainstorming. Don't worry about coming up with the perfect wording. Hesitation, worry or being critical will only put your Low Self out of the picture.
Writing your ideas or your goal on paper will help eliminate the things that really don't capture your imagination and will make any vague points more definite. Mull it over for a few days, and it will become very clear to you exactly what you want. By being very sure of your goal, you are less likely to be distracted later on.
Kahuna methods teach that concentrated visualization is an important step toward realization. Form a mental picture of your goal and then repeat it out loud word for word three times, a precise verbal statement of what you are working toward. The stronger and clearer you make your mental image and goal statement, the stronger and clearer will be the results.
Keep both your visualization and goal very focused. Avoid distracting thoughts or images. Hold your mental picture firmly until the manifestation is complete. Visualization and speaking your future goal will act as a physical stimulus to impress your Low Self, which will then send it to the High Self to be brought into reality.
Most people find visualization easy. However, if you need to develop skill in using mental pictures, you can practice with a simple object, such as an apple. Look at the apple and slowly and carefully observe its attributes. Close your eyes and inwardly see the apple. Open your eyes and look at the color. Close your eyes once more and visualize its shade of color in your mind's eye.
Move to visualizing something more complicated, such as a group of objects on a table. Look them over, close your eyes and reconstruct them in your mind. If necessary, open your eyes briefly to check accuracy or to refresh your memory.
This was taken from 'Kahuna - Keepers of the Hidden secret' - part of the fascinating free 7 part ecourse available at:
The Power of Concentration - Lesson 5
"The Power of Concentration" was written under the pseudonym Theron Q. Dumont, by a true Master of Mind Power - William Walker Atkinson. In this series of lessons, the reader is taught how to concentrate and unleash their latent power from within and to reach their higher potential.
Lesson 5: How Concentrated Thought Links All Humanity Together. How you may become successful. The barriers to success can be controlled. How to realize your fondest ambitions. How to overcome destructive forces. How to become the master of circumstances. Through concentration you can mold your environment. You can get what you want. Sowing the thought seeds of success. Mind forces that are hardly dreamed of at present. A method for removing unfavorable conditions. Concentration makes you happy and gives you plenty to do.
Read Complete Lesson Here:
Lesson 5: How Concentrated Thought Links All Humanity Together. How you may become successful. The barriers to success can be controlled. How to realize your fondest ambitions. How to overcome destructive forces. How to become the master of circumstances. Through concentration you can mold your environment. You can get what you want. Sowing the thought seeds of success. Mind forces that are hardly dreamed of at present. A method for removing unfavorable conditions. Concentration makes you happy and gives you plenty to do.
Read Complete Lesson Here:
Saturday, August 4, 2007
The Power of Concentration - Lesson 4
"The Power of Concentration" was written under the pseudonym Theron Q. Dumont, by a true Master of Mind Power - William Walker Atkinson. In this series of lessons, the reader is taught how to concentrate and unleash their latent power from within and to reach their higher potential.
Lesson 4: Concentration, The Silent Force That Produces Results In All Business. The power of thought. An experiment showing the power of thought. By concentrated thought you can make yourself what you please. How to greatly increase your efficiency. The face reflects how a person has spent his life. How to awaken possibilities within, you never dreamed of. How to inspire confidence in those you deal with. The value of concentrating your thoughts in the proper channels. How to attract the good things without a, great effort. By concentration you can revolutionize your life and gain happiness greater than you can imagine.
Read Complete Lesson Here:
Lesson 4: Concentration, The Silent Force That Produces Results In All Business. The power of thought. An experiment showing the power of thought. By concentrated thought you can make yourself what you please. How to greatly increase your efficiency. The face reflects how a person has spent his life. How to awaken possibilities within, you never dreamed of. How to inspire confidence in those you deal with. The value of concentrating your thoughts in the proper channels. How to attract the good things without a, great effort. By concentration you can revolutionize your life and gain happiness greater than you can imagine.
Read Complete Lesson Here:
Monday, July 30, 2007
The Power of Concentration - Lesson 3
"The Power of Concentration" was written under the pseudonym Theron Q. Dumont, by a true Master of Mind Power - William Walker Atkinson. In this series of lessons, the reader is taught how to concentrate and unleash their latent power from within and to reach their higher potential.
Lesson 3: How to Gain What You Want Through Concentration - The mistake made by those that do not understand the power of mental attraction. How to get what you want. We are not living in a "fairy age." Not the age for a "dreamer." The secret of getting what you concentrate on. How a messenger in a bank became its president. "Power to him who power exerts."
Read Complete Lesson Here:
Lesson 3: How to Gain What You Want Through Concentration - The mistake made by those that do not understand the power of mental attraction. How to get what you want. We are not living in a "fairy age." Not the age for a "dreamer." The secret of getting what you concentrate on. How a messenger in a bank became its president. "Power to him who power exerts."
Read Complete Lesson Here:
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Personal Development & Happiness Carnival: Issue 1
Take the time to stop by and check out Issue 1 of the Personal Development & Happiness Carnival. Alex and Mary Beth Blackwell have gathered together a great collection of Personal Development articles.
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Turn Your Dreams Into Reality... Literally - by Jim Francis
The mind does not make an appearance within physical reality, but the brain is based in physical reality, and likewise our dreams occupy the same space as the mind…..that is, no space at all.
The images that appear in dreams appear as “forms” in other realities and they are not restricted by our physical reality rules of time, space and growth. They involve the materialization of spontaneous constructions which would normally not occur in our physical world.
Dreams are a continuous flowing process which run continuously in the wide awake and the dream states.
While we are in the wide awake state they run subconsciously. The materializations we create in our dreams have no mass in our physical reality but may have the equivalent of mass in other realities.
In the dream state the personality is molded and changed via actions that do not exist in the physical universe. These dream based subjective events eventually manipulate physical matter and events for the individual concerned, depending upon how they have consciously or subconsciously programmed their dreams.
One persons dream affects another’s and that person is in turn affected by the neighbor’s dreams.
In many cases dreams (in slightly different formats) are shared by two or more people and in some cases close-knit communities have shared mass dreams.
SETH says that we have “mass” dreams that occur just above the level relating to the collective unconscious. If we are able to tune in to these dreams (and some individuals can) we would gain an impression of what our society is collectively dreaming…..which would then give us an indication of future events, as our dreams format our future, both individually and collectively.
Sometimes these collective dreams contain enough power to significantly alter the future, for better or for worse. It is interesting to note that the dreams of one very powerful individual can affect the dreams of thousands of other people and this type of individual is capable of becoming a leader or “Guru”.
They generally become known in the dream state first and are recognized in the physical world later.
Through very intense emotional focus you can create a form then project it to another person who may then perceive it. This may be done consciously or unconsciously. The presence of this form can now be detected by sensitive scientific instruments.
During the dreaming state your awareness is focused in another reality that is in every way as permanent and valid as the physical reality universe. During sleep only a small amount of your energy is focused in the physical field…..enough to maintain the bodily functions only.
The dream universe is also composed of a molecular structure, but takes up no space as we know it. It is continuous but your awareness of it is normally limited to your sleep/dreaming periods.
The events in the dream reality are as meaningful as the events in your physical world and indeed are interrelated. One affects the other…..and vice versa. This is why it is possible (and extremely easy) to program up dreams which have an almost immediate effect in your physical universe.
One of the easiest and most effective types of dream that you can pre-program relates to your physical health. Sometimes a correctly programmed dream can cause almost miraculous improvements to your health in as little as 12 hours.
This was taken from 'Dream Programming' - part of the fascinating free 7 part ecourse available at Applying-the-Law-of-Attraction.com/realmindpowersecrets
The images that appear in dreams appear as “forms” in other realities and they are not restricted by our physical reality rules of time, space and growth. They involve the materialization of spontaneous constructions which would normally not occur in our physical world.
Dreams are a continuous flowing process which run continuously in the wide awake and the dream states.
While we are in the wide awake state they run subconsciously. The materializations we create in our dreams have no mass in our physical reality but may have the equivalent of mass in other realities.
In the dream state the personality is molded and changed via actions that do not exist in the physical universe. These dream based subjective events eventually manipulate physical matter and events for the individual concerned, depending upon how they have consciously or subconsciously programmed their dreams.
One persons dream affects another’s and that person is in turn affected by the neighbor’s dreams.
In many cases dreams (in slightly different formats) are shared by two or more people and in some cases close-knit communities have shared mass dreams.
SETH says that we have “mass” dreams that occur just above the level relating to the collective unconscious. If we are able to tune in to these dreams (and some individuals can) we would gain an impression of what our society is collectively dreaming…..which would then give us an indication of future events, as our dreams format our future, both individually and collectively.
Sometimes these collective dreams contain enough power to significantly alter the future, for better or for worse. It is interesting to note that the dreams of one very powerful individual can affect the dreams of thousands of other people and this type of individual is capable of becoming a leader or “Guru”.
They generally become known in the dream state first and are recognized in the physical world later.
Through very intense emotional focus you can create a form then project it to another person who may then perceive it. This may be done consciously or unconsciously. The presence of this form can now be detected by sensitive scientific instruments.
During the dreaming state your awareness is focused in another reality that is in every way as permanent and valid as the physical reality universe. During sleep only a small amount of your energy is focused in the physical field…..enough to maintain the bodily functions only.
The dream universe is also composed of a molecular structure, but takes up no space as we know it. It is continuous but your awareness of it is normally limited to your sleep/dreaming periods.
The events in the dream reality are as meaningful as the events in your physical world and indeed are interrelated. One affects the other…..and vice versa. This is why it is possible (and extremely easy) to program up dreams which have an almost immediate effect in your physical universe.
One of the easiest and most effective types of dream that you can pre-program relates to your physical health. Sometimes a correctly programmed dream can cause almost miraculous improvements to your health in as little as 12 hours.
This was taken from 'Dream Programming' - part of the fascinating free 7 part ecourse available at Applying-the-Law-of-Attraction.com/realmindpowersecrets
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