Sunday, July 22, 2012

Law Attraction - Don't Let Others Sabotage Your Success

Author: Daniel Hinds

When it comes to the law of attraction do you only think about your thoughts?  Do you ever pay attention to the thought patterns of the people you spend most of your time with?  Do you also taken into count the energy and the environment where you spend most of your time? It is very important that you incorporate not only your thought patterns, but also the thought patterns in the space and the community and in environment where you spend most of your time. And it is also additionally important that you monitor the thought patterns of the people do you spend most of your time with.

It is not necessary that you judge anyone for the way they think. however, it is important to become mindful of the total thought frequencies that a person has. If someone is constantly producing negative thoughts and negative emotions, that person will eventually influence your thought patterns with negative thoughts and emotions. So, it is very important in using the law of attraction that you become aware of the thought frequencies all around you.

Other People's Frequencies Can Bring You Success Or Disaster
How you ever notice that while spending time with certain people that your life maybe filled with one bad experience after another?  Have you ever notice while being in a company of certain people, your thought beginning to decline and become very negative, sad, and depress?  Have you ever notice that some people bring disaster and destruction into your life, no matter how much you try to use the law of attraction to manifest positive changes?

Just as much as there are people who bring negativity to your life, there are also people who bring lot of positive experience in your life.  Have you ever notice that some people bring you lots and lots of blessing, that your thought patterns begin to feel elevated and expanded while communicating with certain people?

Why You Should Choose Wisely
If your goal is to use the law of attraction to manifest positive life experiences, than it is absolutely necessary that you become very observant of the people that are coming into your life.

It is very important that you examine the quality of energy they carry. Just as you want to hold positive thoughts to manifest positive experiences, it is important that you examine the thought patterns of those around you. Chose people who hold similar thought patterns to yourself.  Or, at least chose people who hold more positive thought patterns than yourself. You will find that over time those people who hold positive thought patterns will assist you in manifesting positive changes in your life.

The Law Of Attraction Works Based On A Total Picture
The law of attraction does not work on a singular thought as lot of people would like to believe. Instead the law of attraction is triggered on the total energy in your space.

That total energy influences all of your entire being. You are saturated by a sea of energy, and that sea of energy makes up your thought patterns as well as the thought patterns of those you spend most of the time with. And included with that, is the community or the environment where you spend much of your time. It's very important that you examine all sources of energy coming into your life.

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