Thursday, April 12, 2007

How to Apply the Law of Attraction at Work

Do you like your job? Do you enjoy getting up each day and going wherever it is you go to work? Now the answer to this is not so obvious. There are indeed many people who really enjoy their chosen career. My purpose here is to help you enjoy whatever it is you're doing more.

Let's start focusing on the most positive aspects of our job. Over the next few days, when you're truly enjoying what you're doing at work make a note of it. For example, I just got off a training call with a client and the client was very appreciative of the time (even though they paid for it) and what we accomplished on the call. I had a good time. So I make a note that I enjoy opportunities to train on the phone. Ok, so you get the idea. Now if this takes more than a few days fine just keep at it until you have a list of 10 or 12 things you enjoy about your job.

Now, let's take your list and review it. Are there some entries that are similar or require the same skill set from you? Group those together. Take your new combined list and start to outline the skills your are using in the different activities that you are having a good time doing. This is the Know step.

Now we get to the Law of Attraction part.

Take each group and design an ideal job description around those skills. Take at least 1 week or more to do this. Be as specific as you are able in designing this job. This is the Ask step.

Write down a visualization exercise around this ideal job. Where are you working? Not what company but where - outside, inside, in the forest, in an auditorium? What are you wearing? A suit, Bermuda shorts, a ski parka? Are you alone or are there 1000 people sitting and waiting for you to speak? Make it as clear as you can. Do you travel to get to work? Are you working in your pajamas? Work on this visualization as often as the spirit moves you make it an ongoing continuous project. As your are working on this close your eyes periodically and imagine it actually taking place. This is the Envision step.

Start looking for more opportunities where you are to start doing more of these activities that you enjoy. Is there someone where you are now who does all these activities as their job? What's the job title? Do you know anyone who does what you want to do somewhere else? Get together with them and ask them what they did to prepare for this job. Is there an organization of these people who do this type of work? Join the organization. This is the Act step.

Every opportunity you get to do the activities you enjoy... Be Grateful. Thank anyone who helps you while you're working on this project. As you do something you enjoy write down a quick gratitude statement. "I am so grateful I had the opportunity to ... this afternoon" This is the Gratitude step.

It's really difficult to be unhappy or angry when you're spending the majority of your time focusing on things you enjoy doing and being grateful for them. Achieving your desires is not a destination, it's a journey.


Anonymous said...

Specking of "Law Of Attraction", I recently read a good report related to the topic.

It is Attraction Accelerator Report by Stephen Pierce Interview with Bob Proctor on the Science Of Getting Rich.

FRE.E Attraction Accelerator Report

NAAtul said...

Hi Dick Ingersoll,

I really liked the way you have put this program step by step. It is like hand holding somebody. I believe in addition to these steps you need a missing ingredient of "The Secret". In a recent interview with Bob Proctor, a report revealed this missing ingredient to turbo-charge the Law of Attraction. After reading through your step by step program, I thought I will make a little contribution to that.

Here is a direct link for the Free PDF report.

The Secret: Missing Ingredient


Anonymous said...

Great Post! It is always a good thing to list the positive aspects of the things in your life!

Anonymous said...

Yeas it´s like that, but many people dont know they use the law of attraction every day. You attract what you think about.

