It may surprise you to hear that you're a complete being, capable of having anything and everything that you desire in a blink of an eye! Nonetheless it's the truth, and the Law of Attraction is the connection to your divinity. We will not go into how you've become separate from your birthright, but instead we'll center on how to regain it.
First and foremost, we are all in a world of disorder. Whether your particular battle is financial, emotional, security, addiction, or whatever else, everyone is struggling with something. If you're not, then you're way ahead of the pack! The trick to the Law of Attraction is that whatever you lend energy to through your thoughts and emotions becomes your reality in short time. Whatever battle you're focusing on, that same focus is what allows your problem to remain.
The Law of Attraction operates perfectly at all times, in all ways. You have created the situation you're in. Own it! Until you accept full responsibility for your life and your circumstances, you have no power to change anything. Today, begin spending more time centering on things in your life that you value. Give more focus on the things you already have that you enjoy, and give less focus and energy to the things in your life that are disagreeable. Just a small shift in the balance, maintained each day, will quickly begin to turn the tides in your favor.
The more cheerful, easy going and stress-free you feel, the more will be awarded to you. As you yield your tight grip on the things in your life that are untrue and shift your focus more to the things in your life that are right, you will find that the "wrong" things begin fading away and you will receive more of the things that you enjoy.
This subtle shift in mindset is perhaps the most difficult thing for us to do, as it's breaking a mental habit we have held for years and decades! But take note of when your life becomes even the slightest bit better. That is your true breakthrough moment. Imagine a boulder tumbling along a road. It has momentum. If you start pushing on the boulder from the other side, it doesn't immediately do what you want. All the same, if you are able to slow it down there will come a instant when it slowly creeps to a halt. Then it will begin to roll slowly in the other direction.
That is the moment when things begin to change. In actuality you have just established the momentum and direction that you want, although things still don't seem to be progressing quickly. Just hang in there until the boulder starts building momentum! That push through moment will lead to better and better times until one day you will realize that your life has adopted a completely different characteristic. One of prosperity, peace, happiness, love and joy. From out of such a state will come only better and better things. You can no longer lose!
When Jesus said "I tell you, to everyone who has, more will be given, but from the one who has not, even what he has will be taken away," this was not a cruel assertion. To one who's moving in a positive direction, things will only accelerate more and more in the positive direction. To one moving in a negative direction, which many of us are, things will only get worse. Set out to change your habits of focusing on the negative and focus more on the positive; have gratitude and truly feel thankful for the things you do have, and more – much more – will be given to you!
You can find a wealth of information related to metaphysics, philosophy, and spirituality by visiting Dick Ingersoll's site at: Applying the Law of Attraction Library.
Building the right habits of mind is vitally important for us. Without training our mind to be positive and without clarity of vision, there can be no success.
I am not sure about everyone, but certainly, most of us need a complete overhaul of our beliefs, habits and behaviors in order to be in attunement with our conscious desires. We need to re-write our subconscious life script to come into alignment with success and prosperity. You may want to look at The Secret Mind Script.
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